Bahçeşehir University (BAU) is an institution that maintains partnerships with local and national government bodies by providing expert opinions, developing and implementing joint projects, research projects and organizing educational activities. Examples of expert opinions provided to the government, as well as joint projects implemented with local and national governments during the relevant years, are as follows.
Providing Expert Advice to the Government
BAU is one of seven universities in Turkey included in the ministry's working group. Bahçeşehir University's involvement in the project with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry can be seen on page 21 of the document available at the following links. (The second link redirects to the ministry's page.)
The Ministry's invitation letters can be accessed through the following link.
The Ministry's invitation letter can be accessed through the following link.
The Ministry's invitation letter can be accessed through the following link.
The Ministry's invitation letter can be accessed through the following link.
Prof. Dr. Ulaş Sunata, Director of Bahçeşehir University’s Migration and Urban Studies Center (BAUMUS), contributed as an expert on behalf of the university in the Migration Policy Specialization Committee, playing an essential role in the policy development process.
Information regarding Prof. Dr. Ulaş Sunata’s involvement and Bahçeşehir University’s contribution can be found on page "vi" of the commission’s report, accessible via the following link.
The Ministry's decision letter can be accessed through the following link.
11.Bahçeşehir University is an institution that provides mediation training under the Law on Mediation in Civil Disputes of the Republic of Turkey's Ministry of Justice, covering various topics including energy and healthcare.
The training programs, which began in 2021, were extended for an additional year in 2023 by the decision of the Ministry of Justice. In this context, BAU not only offers expert opinions to the government but also provides training on legal mediation related to energy issues, which are closely linked to the climate crisis, to policymakers.
The Ministry's decision letter can be accessed through the following link.
12.Bahçeşehir University, in collaboration with the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality’s Istanbul Planning Agency (IPA), organized a workshop to evaluate how migration has transformed cities and the role of this process in urban planning.
As part of the activities organized by Bahçeşehir University’s Center for Migration and Urban Studies (BAUMUS), the event titled "Urbanization and Istanbul" took place on December 22 at the Istanbul Planning Agency (IPA).
13.The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Bahçeşehir University Migration and Urban Studies Center (BAUMUS), and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)'s International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders CIFAL Istanbul jointly organized a workshop on MANAGING MIGRATION AT THE LOCAL LEVEL. The event was coordinated by UNFPA, BAUMUS, and CIFAL Istanbul, aiming to bring together prominent figures actively involved in local governments and civil society organizations. The workshop sought to analyze migration management, drawing on the field experiences of the participants.
14.In November 2023, a cooperation protocol was signed between Bahçeşehir University and the Republic of Turkey's Ministry of Industry and Technology, as well as the Istanbul Development Agency (İSTKA). The project aims to support and share the excitement and motivation of young people in the fields of science, technology, and entrepreneurship, while also implementing innovative educational models to supply the digital economy with the skilled software professionals it needs.
The information shared by Turkey's Ministry of Industry and Technology regarding the collaboration process with Bahçeşehir University can be accessed through the following link. At the bottom of the page, there is information indicating Bahçeşehir University as a project partner.