IND5101 Smart Factories (3+0) 3 Kredi AKTS:8
Smart factories (Industry 4.0) is the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies. It includes cyber-physical systems, the Internet of things and cloud computing. In smart factories machines, systems and networks are capable of independently exchanging and responding to information to manage industrial Production processes. In this course following topics will be covered: Cyber-physical structures, embedded systems, decentralized decision systems, flexible manufacturing systems, automation, man machine systems, human roles in intelligent systems (supervision).
Akıllı fabrikalar (Endüstri 4.0) üretim teknolojilerinde otomasyon ve veri paylaşımı için güncel trendir. Siber-fiziksel sistemleri, nesnelerin internet, bulut teknolojisini içerir. Akıllı fabrikalarda makinalar, sistemler ve networkler bağımsız olarak üretim proseslerini yönetmek için bağımsız olarak veri paylaşabilecek özelliğe sahiptir. Bu derste işlenecek konular şunlardır: Siper-fiziksel yapılar, gömülü sistemler, merkezi olmayan karar sistemleri, esnek üretim sistemleri, otomasyon, işçi makine sistemleri, akıllı sistemlerde insanın rolu (yönetim).
IND5102 Internet of Things (3+0) 3 Kredi AKTS:8
The Internet of things (IoT) is the inter-networking of physical devices and other items to collect and exchange data. This course starts with an introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) products and services, including devices for sensing, actuation, processing, and communication. We discuss different cases of interactions, IoT protocols, and development platforms. The course includes a hands-on IoT project in order to experience concepts such as sensing, actuation and communication.
Nesnelerin interneti fiziksel nesnelerin birbirleriyle veya daha büyük sistemlerle bağlantılı olduğu iletişim ağıdır. Bu ders, algılama, çalıştırma, işleme ve iletişim araçları dahil olmak üzere, Nesnelerin Interneti (IoT) ürün ve hizmetlerine bir girişle başlar. Farklı etkileşim durumları, IoT protokolleri ve geliştirme platformları tartışılır. Bu ders dahilinde, algılama, çalıştırma ve iletişim gibi kavramları deneyimlemek için uygulamalı bir IoT projesi yapılır.
CMP5103 Artificial Intelligence (3+0) 3 Kredi AKTS:8
The objective of this course is to give the student the ability to apply artificial intelligence techniques, including search heuristics, knowledge representation, planning, reasoning and learning to various problems. In this course, the topics of uninformed search strategies; informed (heuristic) search strategies; adversarial search; propositional logic; predicate logic; supervised learning techniques; unsupervised learning techniques; natural language processing will be studied.
Bu dersin amacı öğrencilerin sezgisel arama teknikleri, bilgi temsili, planlama, akıl yürütme ve öğrenme gibi yapay zeka tekniklerini değişik problemleri çözmek için kullanabilmesini sağlamaktır. Bu dersi başarıylatamamlayabilenöğrenciler;
Uygun arama tekniklerini kullanarak problem çözebilmek.
Oyun oynamada alpha-beta budama ve minimax arama tekniklerini gerçekleştirebilmek.
Modelleme için değişik mantıksal biçimleri kullanabilmek,
Verilen bir problemi çözmek için gözetimli öğrenme tekniklerini kullanabilmek,
Verilen bir problemi çözmek için gözetimsiz öğrenme tekniklerini kullanabilmek,
Doğal dil işlemedeki temel teknikleri kullanabilmek.
EEE5101 Research Methods and Ethics (1+0)1 Kredi AKTS:2
This course aims to provide graduate students with endowments to academically communicate their researches in an written and oral language. It provides them with comprehensive overview of various research skillsthat balance the practicalities of conducting research and the theory and debates that keep qualitative inquiry vibrant.It covers the entire research process including: formulating research questions; sampling (probability and nonprobability); measurement (surveys, scaling, qualitative, unobtrusive); research design (experimental and quasi-experimental); data analysis; and, writing the research paper. It also addresses the major theoretical and philosophical underpinnings of research including: the idea of validity in research, reliability of measures, scientific research ethics, and publication ethics.
Yüksek Lisans öğrencilerinin temel akademik folklora uygun (yazılı ya da sözlü aktarım için gereken becerilere; daha da önemlisi sağlam bir felsefî, etik ve kuramsal altyapıyla) nitelikli ve özgün üretimler verebilmelerine zemin hazırlamak; Yüksek lisans öğrenim gören tez adaylarını akademik nitelikleri haiz araştırma, değerlendirme ve sunum becerileriyle donatmak, bilimsel araştırma teknikleri öğretmek, bilimsel araştırma ve yayın etiği konusunda bilgilendirmek.
IND5887 Seminar (0+0) 0 Kredi AKTS:4
Seminars are given by instructors, invited speakers and students enrolled in the course. Student presentations may also include thesis studies. In the course students will be informed about the things to consider in giving a successful presentation.
IND5888-1 Master Thesis (0+0) 0 Kredi AKTS:30
This is a thesis study of the student conducted by an academic advisor in the subject of Industry 4.0.
Bu ders öğrencinin Endüstri 4.0 konularında bir akademik danışmanın yönettiği tez çalışmasıdır.
IND5888-2 Master Thesis (0+0) 0 Kredi AKTS:30
This is a thesis study of the student conducted by an academic advisor in the subject of Industry 4.0.
Bu ders öğrencinin Endüstri 4.0 konularında bir akademik danışmanın yönettiği tez çalışmasıdır.
IND5101 Smart Factories (3+0) 3 Kredi AKTS:8
Smart factories (Industry 4.0) is the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies. It includes cyber-physical systems, the Internet of things and cloud computing. In smart factories machines, systems and networks are capable of independently exchanging and responding to information to manage industrial Production processes. In this course following topics will be covered: Cyber-physical structures, embedded systems, decentralized decision systems, flexible manufacturing systems, automation, man machine systems, human roles in intelligent systems (supervision).
IND5102 Internet of Things (3+0) 3 Kredi AKTS:8
The Internet of things (IoT) is the inter-networking of physical devices and other items to collect and exchange data. This course starts with an introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) products and services, including devices for sensing, actuation, processing, and communication. We discuss different cases of interactions, IoT protocols, and development platforms. The course includes a hands-on IoT project in order to experience concepts such as sensing, actuation and communication.
CMP5103 Artificial Intelligence (3+0) 3 Kredi AKTS:8
The objective of this course is to give the student the ability to apply artificial intelligence techniques, including search heuristics, knowledge representation, planning, reasoning and learning to various problems. In this course, the topics of uninformed search strategies; informed (heuristic) search strategies; adversarial search; propositional logic; predicate logic; supervised learning techniques; unsupervised learning techniques; natural language processing will be studied.
BDA5001 Introduction to Big Data (3+0) 3 Kredi AKTS:8
This course is designed to improve the analytical skills of students for business decision making and will provide insights into the basics of using the "Big Data" to quantify the operational impact of management decisions. This course includes modeling techniques, advanced data management, data visualization, optimization, risk analysis and simulation modeling.
EEE5101 Research Methods and Ethics (1+0)1 Kredi AKTS:2
This course aims to provide graduate students with endowments to academically communicate their researches in an written and oral language. It provides them with comprehensive overview of various research skillsthat balance the practicalities of conducting research and the theory and debates that keep qualitative inquiry vibrant.It covers the entire research process including: formulating research questions; sampling (probability and nonprobability); measurement (surveys, scaling, qualitative, unobtrusive); research design (experimental and quasi-experimental); data analysis; and, writing the research paper. It also addresses the major theoretical and philosophical underpinnings of research including: the idea of validity in research, reliability of measures, scientific research ethics, and publication ethics.
IND5999 Project (0+0) 0 Kredi AKTS:12
This course is a project study of the student conducted by an academic advisor on the subject of Industry 4.0.
BDA5001 Introduction to Big Data (3+0) 3 Kredi AKTS:8
This course is designed to improve the analytical skills of students for business decision making and will provide insights into the basics of using the "Big Data" to quantify the operational impact of management decisions. This course includes modeling techniques, advanced data management, data visualization, optimization, risk analysis and simulation modeling.
BDA5011 Big Data and Analytics (3+0) 3 Kredi AKTS:12
This course provides the introduction of the basic tools in Large Data Analysis and its implementation as an application. The main topics include Hadoop ecosystem, architecture, Apache Pig and Pig Latin language, data analysis using Hive architecture and Hive, Spark architecture, using Spark for data analysis.
MCH5462 Advanced Robotics (3+0) 3 Kredi AKTS:8
The course aims to introduce advanced concepts in robot manipulation and control. The course objectives include:Outlining basic kinematic characteristics of robot manipulators, Providing a thorough analysis of robot dynamics, Contrasting the joint space and operational space formulations for robot dynamics, Introducing fundamental motion control strategies in the joint and operational spaces, Describing constraints, Outlining fundamental force control strategies, Introducing advanced path planning with potential fields, Explaining haptic rendering and haptic control of robot manipulators.
MCH5330 Robot Dynamics and Control (3+0) 3 Kredi AKTS:12
The aim of this course is to introduce the students to advanced theoretical treatment of robot dynamics and control and their applications. The course objectives include: Providing the students with a systematic method for deriving the equations of motion for a manipulator, Examining various trajectory generation methods, Explaining the independent joint control strategy, Introducing the computed torque method, Analyzing advanced robot control schemes including force control non-linear control and vision based control, Discussing advancements and emerging technologies in robotics control.
CMP5101 Data Mining I (3+0) 3 Kredi AKTS:8
This course provides an introduction to data mining concepts. Basic concepts in data mining: frequent item set detection, association rules, clustering and classification are covered in depth. The students will learn how to approach data mining as a process, by demonstrating competency in the use of CRISP-DM, the Cross-Industry Standard Process or Data Mining, including the business understanding phase, the data understanding phase, the exploratory data analysis phase, the modeling phase, the evaluation phase, and the deployment phase. Also, they will understand and apply the most current data mining techniques and applications, such as text mining, mining genomics data, and other current issues.
CMP5204 Embedded Systems (3+0) 3 Kredi AKTS:12
This course is a hands-on course that requires writing software as well as board-level work. It sits at the intersection of fields such as microprocessors, digital design, operating systems, software design, and industrial automation. The students are exposed to topics such as meeting real-time constraints in embedded systems, generating delays and interrupts, using the serial interface, etc. They get theoretical as well as hands-on experience on embedded system design by using embedded software development environments and hardware emulators, as well as by working on actual hardware where they physically connect multiple building blocks.
ENM5211 Technology Management (3+0) 3 Kredi AKTS:12
This course is designed to lead the student to understand the importance and the nature of technological innovations, how they are integrated into business level strategies and how technological innovation process is managed. In this course, the aim is not only to understand the theories of technological innovations but also to discuss the practice of technological innovation. Therefore case studies are important; most of the theoretical parts are followed by case studies.
ENM5303 Operations Management (3+0) 3 Kredi AKTS:8
Aim of the course is to show the students how to create a competitive advantage through OM in the marketplace by conveying a set of skills and tools they can actually apply.
The students who have succeeded in this course; Discussing and developing a production strategy, Forecasting the demand and identify the elements of the demand, Identify the winning product/service characteristics, Define the quality for a product/service, Identify the different capacity management strategies, Defining and managing the inventory, Differentiate the different production management approaches such as lean vs. MRP, Scheduling operations.
ENM5510 Innovation and Creativity Management (3+0) 3 Kredi AKTS:12
To compete in the continuously advancing world, companies need to innovate and create novel and useful ideas. One of the most difficult tasks in any organization is to establish and manage a creative and innovative culture. This course provides an introduction to innovation and creativity management and how they lead to entrepreneurship. The quantitative and qualitative methods for choosing and managing the projects will be examined.
INE5126 System Simulation (3+0) 3 Kredi AKTS:12
This course is designed for junior level industrial engineering students to give the fundamental concepts of queuing theory and discrete systems simulation. The course provides statistics and probability concepts used in simulation, design of discrete systems simulation models, programming of simulation models, input modeling, random number generation and output analysis.
INE5129 Modelling and Analysis of Manufacturing Systems (3+0) 3 Kredi AKTS:12
This course provides a comprehensive presentation of the analytical approaches for modeling manufacturing systems. The main purpose of the course is to understand the key factors affecting the performance of manufacturing systems, and develop models for optimizing the performance of these systems. The analytical modeling approach is mainly focused on queuing based probabilistic models. The course covers a review of fundamental concepts from probability and queuing theory together with single-stage systems, multi-stage single product, multi-product systems, batching, workload controlled systems, and kanban controlled manufacturing systems.
INE5206 Decision Analysis (3+0) 3 Kredi AKTS:12
The aim of the course is to introduce the graphical models used in decision analysis and to provide a set of systematic tools to help the decision maker in giving a decision.
The students who have succeeded in this course; Recognize the graphical models used in decision analysis. Model a given uncertain situation with Bayes networks. Compute exact and approximate inferences in Bayes networks. Model a given uncertain decision problem with influence diagrams. Make inferences in decision networks. Compute value of information.
INE5248 Lean Production (3+0) 3 Kredi AKTS:12
This course introduces the lean production principles and practice. Industrial and production engineers are responsible for continuously improving operational performance. They must develop systems that are fast, flexible, focused and friendly for their companies, customers and production associates. The course provides the student with an introduction to lean production describing the background behind its development. Lean production tools and techniques is described. Planning for lean process implementation and the necessity of sustain improvements is discussed. Examples of applications in manufacturing and business processes is presented.
INE5250 Product Development and Process Management &n