2021-2022 Akademik Yılı Açılışına Dair Bölüm Başkanımızdan Öğrencilerimize Mektup
Dear Student of Political Science and International Relations Department,
Let me first welcome you to BAU campuses after a 1.5 year unprecedented fight against Covid-19 pandemic. I hope you survived this period in good health and spirit.
This Fall we will start with hybrid instruction and student services as safely allowed by pandemic guidelines. The hybrid education model is a model where some of your courses will be carried out online using digital technologies and platforms, and some will be in-class trainings. In addition to the physical or virtual presence, your courses have synchronized (via Teams or in the class face-to-face) and synchronized components (via itslearning), that you are already familiar with.
Before our course registration period starts, I would like to share with you the following information:
- Your elective courses will be online (synchronized or synchronized) (unless specific requirements are addressed) (please consult with your elective course instructors regarding the courses you’ll take this semester).
- Your must courses will be hybrid (in-class and online components together) (please consult with your must course instructor regarding the courses you’ll take this semester).
- Synchronized components of all online courses will be conducted via Teams and in-class parts of hybrid courses, as well, will be supplemented by Teams for online students.
- As for synchronized components of both elective and must courses our common platform is itslearning.
- On our campuses hybrid classes have been built. Hybrid courses will be carried out in these recently structured hybrid classes where there is a monitor with inbuilt camera and microphone. Via this hybrid set-up even if you are not on campus you can follow your class on your computer via Teams in a synchronized format.
Covid-19 Protocols
- Remember you will be allowed to enter into campus building provided that you are fully vaccinated / or (if not) with your valid PCR test results.
- You are required to put your masks on all times you are within the buildings and in classrooms during the class-hours.
Learning Protocols
- For online classes you are required to turn your cameras at all times, unless otherwise is stated by your instructors.
- Course-specific requirements should be checked with your instructor, syllabi will give you detailed information about technical requirements, course conduct, evaluation criteria, and the like.
Final reminders before I conclude:
- Please do not hesitate to contact us for any administrative queries
- Please do not hesitate to contact your course instructor, for course-specific queries*
- Please do not hesitate to contact your advisor for other queries related to advises on course registration*
- Please do not hesitate to contact technical services for technology and connection related queries.
Dean of Studentship also organises multiple orientation programs for you so make sure that you are informed about them.
Make sure you follow us!
You know where you’ll find us. Since we’ll be back on campus, too, we will be glad to meet you upon appointment or office hours.
Welcome back!
Prof. Dr. Ebru Canan-Sokullu