Gendering EU Politics Seminar-3
On April 24th, during the third Gendering EU Seminar on Gender Mainstreaming in the EU
Institutions, hosted Rachel Minto (for European Commission) and Anna Elomäki for European Parliament).
Click for the seminar recording.
About Dr. Rachel Minto
Dr. Rachel Minto is a Lecturer in Politics at Cardiff University with a background in EU politics and governance, and a particular interest in agender equality and territorial politics. She is particularly interested in the strategy “gender mainstreaming” and how it can be used to promote substantive equality between women and men through institutionalising change at a structural level. More recently, her work has explored the concepts of Europeanisation and de-Europeanisation, and how these play out differently in the four nations of the UK both pre- and post-Brexit, with particular attention to gender equality governance. Dr Minto is actively involved in gender equality activity beyond academia. She is a Trustee of the recently established Wales Women’s Budget Group and one of the coordinators of the Women in Europe (Wales) network, which sits as part of the Senedd’s Cross-Party Group on Women. She is also a member of the Gender Network, which is linked to Welsh Government's Third Sector Partnership Council. All of this activity beyond academic draws from and serves to disseminate her feminist research experience.
About Dr. Anna Elomäki
Dr. Anna Elomäki is Academy of Finland Research Fellow at Tampere University, Finland. She obtained her PhD in Gender Studies in 2012. Her research focuses on the interconnections between the economy, politics and gender in Finland and at the EU level, and on EU integration with a focus on gender equality policies and economic governance. She has studied, among other things, gender mainstreaming and gender budgeting, economisation and neoliberalization of gender equality policy, gendered impacts and practices of economic policy-making. Her current research project focuses on the implementation of EU economic governance in member states from the perspective of gender equality and democracy. Dr. Elomäki regularly engages with consultancy work for different EU institutions and Finnish government administration and has seeks to bring gender perspectives in economic policy debates at national and EU levels. She has published widely in key international journals in the fields of political science, gender studies and social policy. Her co-edited books include European Parliament’s Political Groups in Turbulent Times (Palgrave, 2022, with Petra Ahrens and Johanna Kantola) and Social Partners and Gender Equality: Change and Continuity in Gendered Corporatism in Europe (Palgrave 2022; with Johanna Kantola and Paula Koskinen Sandberg).