The United States has been Turkey’s most important ally in world politics since the early days of the Cold War. Despite the transformation of the international system and the demise of the Soviet Union at the end of the Cold War, the bilateral ties between the two countries have remained strong, if not entirely problem free. The post-Cold war period has witnessed the proliferation of studies on varius aspects of the Turkish-American relations. İn addition to the books on the subject, the number of articles in academic journals, collection of essays in edited volumes , and reports prepared by think-tanks, research centers and ( in the case of U.S.) official government institutions have increased substantially in comparison with those in previous decades.
Turkey-U.S. Relations in the Post-Cold War Period: A Selected Bibliography of Studies in English, prepared by the American Studies Center (AMERS) at Bahçeşehir University, represents the first systematic effort to provide a selected list of the books, journal articles, contributions to multi-authored edited volumes, and reports on the bilateral relationship. Majority of the Works listed in this bibliography has been produced by American an Turkish scholars and experts. We have been selective in choosing the publications that are listed in this bibliography. We have confined our search to sources in English and those that have been printed. Consequently, we have not included the publications in Turkish and, with the exception of the analyses prepared by the German Marshall Fund and the Washington Institue for Near East policy, those that have been circulated only on the internet. Despite our best efforts, we cannot claim to have located all the relevant studies on Turkey- U.S. relations that have been published during more than three decades since the end of the Cold War. We would welcome suggestions for additional sources which we can include in the updated versions of this bibliography in the future.
We hope that this publication will contribute to the expansion of scholarship on Turkey-U.S. relations and provide the researchers working on this topic with infirmation about the available sources. In compiling this bibliography, we were ably assisted by the young staff members of AMERS. In particular, İpek Dila Öz and Selma Bardakcı have carried out painstaking research to locate the sources. We would like to thank all of them for their assistance.
by Sabri Sayarı