DAY 1:
August 1st 2022
Moderator: Phyllis Cox
(15.00-16.00 pm Istanbul time)
The Experience of Remote Advocacy: Benefits, Challenges, and the need for Future Advocates to learn both In-Person and Remote Advocacy Skills
Judge Matthew Williams, King County Superior Court
(16.00-17.00 pm Istanbul time)
From Corpus Juris Civilis to Civil, Canon and Common: aspects of legal history
Dr. Salih Oktar, Bahçeşehir University School of Law
(17.00-18.00 pm Istanbul time)
Breakout Room Discussions between Law Students
Q1. Discussions about developments in legal education from Corpus Juris Civilis to Dijital Era
DAY 2:
August 2nd 2022
Moderator: Phyllis Cox
(15.00-16.00 pm Istanbul time)
Legal Education in US Law Schools
Prof. Stephen Mazza, Kansas University School of Law
(16.00-17.00 pm Istanbul time)
Legal Education in the Shade of the Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Situation
Assoc. Prof. Zafer Kahraman, Bahçeşehir University School of Law
(17.00-18.00 pm Istanbul time)
Breakout Room Discussions between Law Students
Q2. How do you evaluate the use of technology in your legal education? Which parts to be kept? Which parts should not be retained after the pandemic?
DAY 3:
August 3rd 2022
Moderator: Phyllis Cox
(15.00-16.00 pm Istanbul time)
Clinical Legal Education and Law School Legal Aid Clinics Promoting Equal Access in India: During Pandemic and Beyond
Prof. Bharti Yadav, National Law University Delhi
(16.00-17.00 pm Istanbul time)
Legal Aid and Access to Justice
Ayesha Riaz, Senior lecturer at University of Greenwich
(17.00-18.00 pm Istanbul time)
Breakout Room Discussions between Law Students
Q3: What are students’ expectations from law schools regarding training for practice? Does the education you are now getting prepare you ort he actual practice of law? Is the balance between theoretical, doctrinal, and practical training appropriate, or should it be modified? How law school students evaluate their teachers?
DAY 4:
August 4th 2022
Moderator: Phyllis Cox
(15.00-16.00 pm Istanbul time)
Learning Persuasion
Steve Fury, President, Justice Advocacy Africa
(16.00-17.00 pm Istanbul time)
Promise or Peril? Tech Innovation, Regulation, and Future Societies
Prof. Eleanor Lumsden, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
(17.00-18.00 pm Istanbul time)
Breakout Room Discussions between Law Students
Q4. How can we achieve equal access to justice?
DAY 5:
August 5th 2022
Moderator: Phyllis Cox
(14.00-18.00 pm Istanbul time)
the Future of Legal Education and Legal Practice Symposium (The topics in the first four days of the program will be discussed.)