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Bahçeşehir University School of Foreign Languages offered English Language Courses as in-service training for its Administrative Staff, between March 19th– May 25th 2018, with a view to emphasizing that one’s own native language does not stand in the way of a (different) foreign language but is a contributing factor in the process of catching up with the new world order that is constantly changing and developing and being able to reflect intercultural communication and exchange of information through a language other than one’s own mother tongue.

Prior to the English Language Courses that were held for a total of 10 weeks, the participants took the English Placement Exam and they were assigned to level-appropriate classes according to the results they achieved in the exam. Six (6) “Online and Face-to Face” English Language Courses called “Berlin, Rome, Washington, Toronto, Cyprus and İstanbul” were opened, in line with the preferences expressed by our staff, plus a course for the BAU CSG Security Personnel; which all adds up to 7 English Language classes in total.

At the end of the in-service training (period), which actively and effectively focused on verbal communication, as well as written communication, the Director of the School of Foreign Languages, Mehmet Atasagun, awarded all the participants their Certificates of Achievement.

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