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Faculty of Educational Sciences

News from the Faculty

HI-GLOBE Project: Study on the Approach of English Teachers on Global Educational Methodologies and Purposes has been Published

HI-GLOBE Project: Study on the Approach of English Teachers on Global Educational Methodologies and Purposes has been Published

The project “Highlighting the Potential of English Language Learning for Global Education Purposes” (acronym HI-GLOBE, project number 2019-1-TR01-KA204-077591) is executed within the framework of Erasmus+ Programme, KA2-Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices, co-funded by European Union.


Bahçeşehir University Center for Learning and Teaching (CLT) has Been Officially Established as a Research and Application Center.

CLT’s goal is to contribute to the continuous development and improvement of BAU learners, teachers and the learning environment via trainings and support activities and to contribute to society at large via research activities, which are supported by the below objectives.


Visit to VRFirst Lab

We visited the VRFirst Lab with our Computer Education and Instructional Technologies undergraduate and graduate students here at Bahçeşehir University to be informed about the current projects. New projects are on the way.


Educational Game Design with Game Design Graduate Students

We joined together with our Game Design graduate students at the Galata Campus to analyze elements of educational games and then designed some educational games.


Game Design Workshop

At Karşıyaka Bahçeşehir Koleji we brought together our students and parents to give some information and advice about digital tools and games, and then let them spend some quality time by designing educational games.


Educational Technologies Summit

Organized for the 4th time, here at the annual Educational Technologies Summit we took part in educational technologies, STEM education, coding, game design, and measurement and evaluation topics.


Designing Educational Games at Educational Technologies Summit

At the 4th annual Educational Technologies Summit we taught teachers how to design educational games and then help them design some educational games they could play with at their classrooms. We plan to publish these games in a book and online freely to be available by teachers.
