AI Summit AI Summit AI Summit

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Prof. A. Arif ERGİN
(Dean (D))

Prof. A. Arif ERGİN (Dean (D))

Specialization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Bachelors: ODTU

Master: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Doctorate: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

0212 381 0000 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Yalçın ÇEKİÇ
(Vice Dean)

Assoc. Prof. Yalçın ÇEKİÇ (Vice Dean)

Bachelors: İstanbul University

Master: İstanbul University

Doctorate: İstanbul University

+90 212 381 0570 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Bora BÜYÜKSARAÇ
(Vice Dean)

Assist Prof. Bora BÜYÜKSARAÇ (Vice Dean)

Bachelors: Boğaziçi University

Master: Boğaziçi University

Doctorate: Boğaziçi University

+90 212 381 5649 [email protected]

Prof. Mehmet Raşit Eskicioğlu

Prof. Mehmet Raşit Eskicioğlu

Bachelors: İstanbul Technical University

Master: Middle East Tecnical University

Doctorate: Alberta University

0212 381 0000 [email protected]

Prof. Recep DİMİTROV

Prof. Recep DİMİTROV

Bachelors: National Science and Tech University

Master: National Science and Tech University

Doctorate: Bulgaria Science Academy

Prof. Tankut ATAN

Prof. Tankut ATAN

Bachelors: Boğaziçi University

Master: Iowa State University

Doctorate: Iowa State University

0212 381 5647 [email protected]

Prof. Süreyya ÖZÖĞÜR AKYÜZ

Prof. Süreyya ÖZÖĞÜR AKYÜZ

Bachelors: Middle East Tecnical University

Master: Middle East Tecnical University

Doctorate: Middle East Tecnical University

+90 212 381 0534 [email protected]  

Prof. Charyyar ASHYRALYYEV

Prof. Charyyar ASHYRALYYEV

Bachelors: Novosibirsk University

Master: Novosibirsk University

Doctorate: Novosibirsk University

0212 381 0562 [email protected]

Prof. Ozan AKDOĞAN

Prof. Ozan AKDOĞAN

Bachelors: Marmara University

Master: University of Delaware

Doctorate: University of Delaware

02123815681 [email protected]

Prof. Şeref KALEM
(Department Chair)

Prof. Şeref KALEM (Department Chair)

Bachelors: Hacettepe University

Master: Paris University

Doctorate: Paris University

0212 381 05 55 [email protected]

Prof. Gül Tekin TEMUR

Prof. Gül Tekin TEMUR

Bachelors: Istanbul Technical University

Master: Istanbul Technical University

Doctorate: Istanbul Technical University

0212 381 0841 [email protected]

Prof. Mustafa ÖZBAYRAK

Prof. Mustafa ÖZBAYRAK

Bachelors: Çukurova University

Master: Anadolu University/ Loughborough University

Doctorate: Loughborough University

+90 212 381 5703 [email protected]

Prof. Suleyman Allakhverdiev

Prof. Suleyman Allakhverdiev

0216 381 0876 [email protected]

Prof. Allaberen ASHYRALYEV

Prof. Allaberen ASHYRALYEV

Bachelors: Turkmen State University

Master: Voronezh State University

Doctorate: Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

0212 381 0547 [email protected]

Prof. Lütfi ARDA

Prof. Lütfi ARDA

Bachelors: Hacettepe University

Master: Gazi University

Doctorate: Florida State University, Marmara University

+90 212 381 0558 [email protected]

Prof. Ahmet BEŞKESE

Prof. Ahmet BEŞKESE

Bachelors: İstanbul Technical University

Master: İstanbul Technical University

Doctorate: İstanbul Technical University

+90 212 381 0000 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Tevfik AYTEKİN

Assoc. Prof. Tevfik AYTEKİN

Bachelors: Bilkent University

Master: Hacettepe University

Doctorate: Middle East Tecnical University

+90 212 381 0580 [email protected]



Master: İstanbul Technical University

Doctorate: İstanbul Technical University

0212 381 05 49 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Cemal Okan ŞAKAR

Assoc. Prof. Cemal Okan ŞAKAR

Bachelors: Yıldız Tecnical University

Master: Bahçeşehir University

Doctorate: Boğaziçi University

+90 212 381 0571 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Sait GÜL

Assoc. Prof. Sait GÜL

Bachelors: İstanbul University

Master: İstanbul Technical University

Doctorate: İstanbul Technical University

0212 381 5678 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Oğuzhan ERDİNÇ

Assoc. Prof. Oğuzhan ERDİNÇ

Bachelors: Hava Harp Okulu

Master: Marmara University

Doctorate: Marmara University

0212 381 00 00 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Ayla GÜLCÜ

Assoc. Prof. Ayla GÜLCÜ

Bachelors: Marmara University

Master: Marmara University

Doctorate: Marmara University

0212 381 5651 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Berke GÜR
(Part Time)

Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Berke GÜR (Part Time)

Bachelors: Middle East Tecnical University

Master: University of Southern California

Doctorate: University of Massachussetts

+90 212 381 0556 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Yücel Batu SALMAN

Assoc. Prof. Yücel Batu SALMAN

Bachelors: Bahçeşehir University

Master: Bahçeşehir University

Doctorate: Kyungsung University

+90 212 381 5690 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Adnan ÇORUM

Assoc. Prof. Adnan ÇORUM

Bachelors: Eastern Mediterranean University

Master: Marmara University

Doctorate: Marmara University

0212 381 05 91 [email protected]

Assist Prof. M. Senem Seven

Assist Prof. M. Senem Seven

Bachelors: Hacettepe University

Master: Hacettepe University

Doctorate: Sabancı University

0212 381 5646 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Mehmet Emin YILDIZ

Assist Prof. Mehmet Emin YILDIZ

0212 381 0871 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Ece Gelal SOYAK

Assist Prof. Ece Gelal SOYAK

Bachelors: Sabanci University

Master: University of California, Riverside

Doctorate: University of California, Riverside

(0212) 381 5709 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Elif HAKTANIR AKTAŞ

Assoc. Prof. Elif HAKTANIR AKTAŞ

Bachelors: Bahcesehir University

Master: Istanbul Technical University

Doctorate: Istanbul Technical University

0212 381 56 63 [email protected]

Assist Prof. M. ASLI AYDIN

Assist Prof. M. ASLI AYDIN

Bachelors: Boğaziçi University

Master: Bahçeşehir University

Doctorate: Boğaziçi University

0212 381 5667 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Mustafa Ümit ÖNER

Assist Prof. Mustafa Ümit ÖNER

Bachelors: Middle East Technical University

Master: Middle East Technical University

Doctorate: National University of Singapore

02120381 0000 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Derya BODUR

Assist Prof. Derya BODUR

Bachelors: Yıldız Technical University

Master: İstanbul Technical University

Doctorate: İstanbul Technical University

+90 212 381 0559 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Fatih KAHRAMAN

Assist Prof. Fatih KAHRAMAN

Bachelors: Cukurova University

Master: Mustafa Kemal University

Doctorate: İstanbul Technical University

0212 381 5320 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Binnur KURT

Assist Prof. Binnur KURT

Bachelors: İstanbul Technical University

Master: İstanbul Technical University

Doctorate: İstanbul Technical University

0212 381 0000 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Amir NAVIDFAR

Assist Prof. Amir NAVIDFAR

Bachelors: Tabriz Azat University

Master: Urmia University

Doctorate: İstanbul Technical University

0212 381 0891 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Cihangir GÜMÜŞTAŞ

Assist Prof. Cihangir GÜMÜŞTAŞ

0212 381 00 00 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Nermine Ahmed EL SISSI

Assist Prof. Nermine Ahmed EL SISSI

Assist Prof. İsmail DURU
(Part Time)

Assist Prof. İsmail DURU (Part Time)

Bachelors: İstanbul University

Master: Yıldız Technical University

Doctorate: Yıldız Technical University

0212 381 0541 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Cemalettin BEKPEN

Assist Prof. Cemalettin BEKPEN

Bachelors: Abant İzzet Baysal University

Master: Orta Doğu Technical University

Doctorate: The Institute for Genetics of the University of Cologne

+90 212 381 0592 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Gülsemay YİĞİT

Assist Prof. Gülsemay YİĞİT

Bachelors: Eskişehir Osmangazi University

Master: Yıldız Technical University

Doctorate: Yıldız Technical University

+90 212 381 5705 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Elif EREN

Assist Prof. Elif EREN

Bachelors: Paris 5 Rene Descartes University

Master: Paris 6 Pierre Marie Curie University

Doctorate: Boğaziçi University

0 (212) 381 5706 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Ömer Melih GÜL
(Part Time)

Assist Prof. Ömer Melih GÜL (Part Time)

Bachelors: Middle East Technical University

Master: Middle East Technical University

Doctorate: Middle East Technical University

+90 212 381 0865 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Hüseyin Günhan ÖZCAN

Assist Prof. Hüseyin Günhan ÖZCAN

Bachelors: Dokuz Eylül University

Master: Ege University

Doctorate: Ege University

0212 381 08 86 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Selin NACAKLI

Assist Prof. Selin NACAKLI

Bachelors: Middle East Technical University

Doctorate: Koç University

0212 381 5648 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Merve SEVEN

Assist Prof. Merve SEVEN

Bachelors: İstanbul University

Doctorate: Yeditepe University

0212 381 0553 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Selçuk KAYACAN

Assist Prof. Selçuk KAYACAN

Bachelors: Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University

Master: Istanbul Technical University

Doctorate: Istanbul Technical University

0212 381 0887 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Günet EROĞLU

Assist Prof. Günet EROĞLU

Bachelors: Boğaziçi University

Master: University of Oxford

Doctorate: Sabancı University

0212 381 0892 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Suzan ÜRETEN

Assist Prof. Suzan ÜRETEN

Bachelors: Ankara University

Master: Ankara University

Doctorate: University of Ottawa

0212 381 0000 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Canan BAĞCI

Assist Prof. Canan BAĞCI

Bachelors: Middle East Technical University

Master: Middle East Technical University

Doctorate: Bilkent University

0212 381 57 07 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Mesut NEGİN

Assist Prof. Mesut NEGİN

Bachelors: Azad University

Master: Azad University / Işık University

Doctorate: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi

0212 381 5668 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Lavdie RADA

Assist Prof. Lavdie RADA

Bachelors: University of Tirana

Master: Polytechnic University of Tirana

Doctorate: University of Liverpool

+90 212 381 0582 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Gürkan SOYKAN

Assist Prof. Gürkan SOYKAN

Bachelors: İstanbul Technical University

Master: İstanbul Technical University

Doctorate: İstanbul Technical University

+90 212 381 5672 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Özge YÜCEL KASAP

Assist Prof. Özge YÜCEL KASAP

Bachelors: Bahçeşehir University

Master: Bahçeşehir University

Doctorate: Bahçeşehir University (Continue)

+90 212 381 5680 [email protected]

Assist Prof. İrem ŞANAL

Assist Prof. İrem ŞANAL

Bachelors: Boğaziçi University

Master: Boğaziçi University

Doctorate: Boğaziçi University

0212 381 00 00 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Hakan SOLMAZ

Assist Prof. Hakan SOLMAZ

Bachelors: Boğaziçi University

Master: Boğaziçi University

Doctorate: Boğaziçi University

+90 (212) 381 5673 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Nezihe YILDIRAN

Assist Prof. Nezihe YILDIRAN

Bachelors: İstanbul Technical University

Master: İstanbul Technical University

Doctorate: Bahçeşehir University

+90 212 381 5657 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Alper CAMCI

Assist Prof. Alper CAMCI

Bachelors: İstanbul Technical University

Master: Wayne State University

Doctorate: University of Central Florida

+90 212 381 5692 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Erkut ARICAN

Assist Prof. Erkut ARICAN

Bachelors: Bahçeşehir University

Master: Bahçeşehir University

Doctorate: Bahçeşehir University (Continue)

+90 212 381 5664 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Çağlar SİVRİ

Assoc. Prof. Çağlar SİVRİ

Bachelors: Süleyman Demirel University

Doctorate: Süleyman Demirel University

+90 212 381 0536 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Ayşe KAVUŞTURUCU

Assist Prof. Ayşe KAVUŞTURUCU

Bachelors: Purdue Üniversitesi

Master: Northeastern University

Doctorate: Northeastern University

+90 212 381 0842 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Dilruba ÖZMEN

Assist Prof. Dilruba ÖZMEN

Bachelors: Middle East Technical University

Master: Middle East Technical University

Doctorate: Rutgers University

Assist Prof. Ömer Lütfi UYANIK

Assist Prof. Ömer Lütfi UYANIK

Bachelors: Middle East Tecnical University

Master: Middle East Tecnical University

Doctorate: Boğaziçi University

+90 212 381 0544 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Ahmet Naci ÜNAL

Assist Prof. Ahmet Naci ÜNAL

Bachelors: Gazi University

Master: Istanbul University

Doctorate: Istanbul University

+90 212 381 0611 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Selçuk TUZCUOĞLU

Assist Prof. Selçuk TUZCUOĞLU

Bachelors: İstanbul Technical University

Master: İstanbul Technical University

Doctorate: İstanbul Technical University

+90 212 381 0514 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Doğan AKCAN

Assoc. Prof. Doğan AKCAN

Bachelors: Marmara University

Master: İstanbul University

Doctorate: İstanbul Technical University (Continue)

+90 212 381 0583 [email protected]

Assist Prof. İbrahim Ertuğrul YALÇIN

Assist Prof. İbrahim Ertuğrul YALÇIN

Bachelors: Marmara University

Master: Marmara University

Doctorate: Mustafa Kemal University

+90 212 381 0557 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Tarkan AYDIN

Assist Prof. Tarkan AYDIN

Bachelors: Boğaziçi University

Master: Bahçeşehir University

Doctorate: Gebze Institute of Technology

+90 212 381 0318 [email protected]



Bachelors: Haliç University

Master: Haliç University

Doctorate: Yıldız Technical University

0212 381 05 41 [email protected]

Teaching Assist. Merve ARITÜRK

Teaching Assist. Merve ARITÜRK

Bachelors: Başkent University

Master: Bahçeşehir University

+90 212 381 5663 [email protected]

Teaching Assist. Mehmet Can ALPHAN

Teaching Assist. Mehmet Can ALPHAN

Bachelors: Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi

+90 212 381 0889 [email protected]

Teaching Assist. Sevgi CANPOLAT ATABAY

Teaching Assist. Sevgi CANPOLAT ATABAY

Bachelors: Çankaya Üniversitesi

Master: Bahçeşehir University (Continue)

+90 212 381 5660 [email protected]

Teaching Assist. Baran ARAS

Teaching Assist. Baran ARAS

Bachelors: Bahcesehir University

Master: Bahcesehir University

0212 381 5712 [email protected]

Teaching Assist. Ali GÜZEL

Teaching Assist. Ali GÜZEL

Bachelors: Bahçeşehir University

Master: Bahçeşehir University

0212 381 56 44 [email protected]

Teaching Assist. Simge AKAY

Teaching Assist. Simge AKAY

Bachelors: Bahçeşehir University

Master: Bahçeşehir University

+90 212 381 0553 [email protected]

Teaching Assist. Kübra DEĞERLİ

Teaching Assist. Kübra DEĞERLİ

Bachelors: Yıldız Technical University

Master: Yıldız Technical University

0212 381 05 46 [email protected]

Teaching Assist. Selen YOLDAŞ

Teaching Assist. Selen YOLDAŞ

Bachelors: Bahçeşehir University

Master: Bahçeşehir University (Continue)

0212 381 05 43 [email protected]

Teaching Assist. Ozan Rıdvan AKSU

Teaching Assist. Ozan Rıdvan AKSU

Bachelors: Istanbul Technical University

Master: Yıldız Technic University

Doctorate: Boğazici University

0212 381 5701 [email protected]

Teaching Assist. Mehmet Ziya ERENOĞLU

Teaching Assist. Mehmet Ziya ERENOĞLU

Teaching Assist. Gülşah BOZCU

Teaching Assist. Gülşah BOZCU

Teaching Assist. Merve İlay ÇELİKKAYA

Teaching Assist. Merve İlay ÇELİKKAYA

Bachelors: Boğaziçi University

Master: Istanbul Technical University

+90 212 381 56 82 [email protected]

Teaching Assist. Muhammed Cemal DEMİR

Teaching Assist. Muhammed Cemal DEMİR

Bachelors: Bahcesehir University

Master: Bahcesehir University

+90 212 381 57 04 [email protected]

Prof. Ertuğrul ÖZDAMAR
(Part Time)

Prof. Ertuğrul ÖZDAMAR (Part Time)

(212) 975-00-88 [email protected]

Prof. Sezai TÜRKEL
(Part Time)

Prof. Sezai TÜRKEL (Part Time)

Bachelors: İstanbul University

Master: Uludağ University

Doctorate: University of Maryland Baltimore County

0212 381 00 00 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Hale Gonce KÖÇKEN
(Part Time)

Assoc. Prof. Hale Gonce KÖÇKEN (Part Time)

(212) 975-00-88 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. İhsan KARAGÖZ
(Part Time)

Assoc. Prof. İhsan KARAGÖZ (Part Time)

(212) 975-00-88 [email protected]

Assist Prof. İzzet Paruğ Duru
(Part Time)

Assist Prof. İzzet Paruğ Duru (Part Time)

(212) 975-00-88 [email protected]

Ph.D Alper Özcan
(Part Time)

Ph.D Alper Özcan (Part Time)

(212) 975-00-88 [email protected]

Ph.D Erol Metin
(Part Time)

Ph.D Erol Metin (Part Time)

(212) 975-00-88 [email protected]

Ph.D Cihat Boyraz
(Part Time)

Ph.D Cihat Boyraz (Part Time)

(212) 975-00-88 [email protected]

Ph.D Önder Özden
(Part Time)

Ph.D Önder Özden (Part Time)

(212) 975-00-88 [email protected]

Ph.D M. Özgen Öztürk Öncel
(Part Time)

Ph.D M. Özgen Öztürk Öncel (Part Time)

(212) 975-00-88 [email protected]

Ph.D Murat Eyvaz
(Part Time)

Ph.D Murat Eyvaz (Part Time)

(212) 975-00-88 [email protected]

Assist. Prof. Burcu TUNÇ ÇAMLIBEL

Assist. Prof. Burcu TUNÇ ÇAMLIBEL

Bachelors: Boğaziçi University

Master: Boğaziçi University

Doctorate: Boğaziçi University

+90 212 381 5694 [email protected]

Assist. Prof. Gökhan GELİŞEN

Assist. Prof. Gökhan GELİŞEN

Bachelors: Middle East Technical University

Master: Lehigh University / Columbia University

Doctorate: New York University

0212 381 0553 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Duygu ÇAKIR YENİDOĞAN

Assist Prof. Duygu ÇAKIR YENİDOĞAN

Bachelors: Bahçeşehir University

Master: Bahçeşehir University

Doctorate: Bahçeşehir University (Continue)

+90 212 381 0542 [email protected]



Bachelors: Hacettepe University

Master: Hacettepe University

Doctorate: University of Edinburgh

0212 381 5668 [email protected]

Ph.D Hassan İMANİ

Ph.D Hassan İMANİ

Bachelors: Urmia University

Master: Shahid Beheshti University

Doctorate: Bahçeşehir University

0212 3810857 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Ahmet Can MERT

Assist Prof. Ahmet Can MERT

Bachelors: İstanbul Kültür University

Master: İstanbul Kültür University

Doctorate: İstanbul Kültür University

0212 381 0888 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Dilek ÇEVİK

Assist Prof. Dilek ÇEVİK

Bachelors: Middle East Technical University

Doctorate: İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University

0212 381 0587 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Engin BAYSOY

Assist Prof. Engin BAYSOY

Bachelors: Başkent University

Master: Başkent University

Doctorate: Boğaziçi University

0212 381 0000 [email protected]