Internship students should read this text and follow the steps below. According to the curriculum of the Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, your compulsory internship is 60 working days. To be able to do internship in the institutions you plan to do internship, you must first get approval from the department chair for the eligibility of the institution by e-mail. If approved, you can do an internship at that institution.
Before starting the internship, simply follow the steps below.
1) Professional Application Form: The first table in the form is the information part of the student, this part is filled by the student. The second table of the form is the information about the institution/business/restaurant where the internship will take place. This part must be filled in and signed by the business. The document signed by the student and the business is sent to the Department Internship Coordinator for final signature. Once signed and forwarded back to the student:
2) Pandemic Period Internship Petition: Filled and signed by the student.
3) Commitment: Filled and signed by the student.
4) The student takes out his/her own residence document.
5) The student adds 1 photo of herself to the file.
6) The student submits the above forms, signed, and approved, to Bahçeşehir University - Human Resources Department at least 5 (five) business days before the start of the internship.
NOTE: This stage is necessary and important for the internship student to be able to make an insurance entry by the University during the internship period.
During the current pandemic period, documents can also be scanned and sent via e-mail.
It is sufficient to fill in the following document during the internship.
What you need to do at the end of the internship:
To the attention of those who want to do a voluntary internship:
The student who does a voluntary internship has nothing else to do during the internship or at the end of the internship. (There is no need to fill in the internship book and the intern evaluation form. There is no need to submit any documents to the department internship coordinator at the end of the internship.)
NOTE: The above documents do not have to be hand-delivered as a physical file, they can also be sent to the Human Resources department via e-mail. E-mail address: [email protected]
Click for Professional Practice Form
Click for Abroad Internships Professional Practice Form
Click for Pandemic Period Internship Petition
Click for Gastronomy Internship Book
Click for Internship Evaluation Form
Erasmus+, which is an academic exchange and cooperation program that includes Turkey within the scope of European Union relations, is an opportunity preferred by our students for both semester exchange and summer internships.
With this program, our students have the opportunity to work in the restaurants they are accepted to in Europe, while they can also benefit from the grant provided by the association.
Compulsory internships of students who complete their internship after the program and meet the necessary qualifications are considered completed.