The information on this page has been prepared to explain the processes related to the SEN4993 mandatory summer internship course, which is required for the graduation of Software Engineering students.
This information is based on the "Bahçeşehir University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences & Faculty of Architecture Internship Directive" as per the Bahçeşehir University Senate Decision dated 04.03.2021, numbered 2021/06/03.
Every Software Engineering student is required to complete a minimum of 30 working days of internship in a Software Engineering-related field during their undergraduate program.
Students can start their internship at the earliest after completing their second-year courses (i.e., after the fourth semester) during academic breaks.
When determining the internship period, students should consider the current academic calendar.
Internships must be completed during academic breaks (either after the spring semester or after the fall semester during the break period).
Students who are close to graduation (with only two semesters remaining) can do their internship during the semester, provided they have at least three workdays free in their weekly class schedule.
Students must have at least three full free days with no classes in their weekly schedule.
Online courses are considered equivalent to in-person courses.
The mandatory internship must only be conducted on designated free days.
Public holidays and religious holidays are not counted as working days.
If the company officially works on Saturdays, Saturdays can be counted as a working day, provided there is an official company statement confirming this.
Students who are not Turkish citizens and wish to do an internship in Turkey should contact the internship coordinator regarding the exemption process.
NOTE: It is the student's responsibility to accurately declare the start and end dates of the internship to ensure the minimum of 30 working days.
Internships that do not meet the required number of days will not be considered as part of the mandatory internship.
Steps to Follow for the Internship
Below are the steps to be followed for the internship process. For details and frequently asked questions (FAQ), please read the subsections on this page.
Steps for Internship Application:
NOTE: All correspondence regarding the internship must be conducted via email with the responsible internship coordinator.
Documents or inquiries received via other communication methods will not be considered.
Official Bahçeşehir University email addresses must be used in all correspondence.
Steps to Initiate Insurance Coverage:
Regardless of whether the internship company is domestic or international, having insurance during the internship is a legal requirement.
Internships without insurance are considered invalid.
Internship insurance processes are handled by the BAU Human Resources Department.
Insurance procedures must be completed at least 3 days before and no earlier than 1 month before the internship start date.
For details on internship insurance procedures, visit:
NOTE: Internships that do not follow this procedure will be REJECTED.
Students must submit a copy of the insured employment entry document to both:
Internship Completion Process
The coordinator responsible for post-internship procedures is the instructor of the SEN4993 course:
Steps to Follow After the Internship:
You can find the necessary documents to be downloaded below;