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Information About Thesis/Project Courses Choosing Process

Choosing Project / Thesis Course



Project / Seminar / Thesis-1 / Thesis-2 course should be taken in the same way in the course selection week, just as the courses were taken before. Since this process can be done after all courses are completed, if there are any courses or courses that are not taken, it is necessary to register for that course or courses first. Project and thesis advisors can be selected from full- time and part-time lecturers. The chosen counselor must have at least the title of doctor. Students must determine their advisors and subjects before the course selection week.


While taking the Project / Thesis course, the following sequence of procedures should be followed:




Project Selection: Consists of 4 Steps


 1.              The Program to which SAP Application is Made is selected, Thesis / Project Title, Thesis / Project Summary, Advisor Status (Full Time / Part Time) Thesis / Project Advisor information is entered. Submit is pressed.

2.              The program coordinator examines his own SAP account and gives approval or rejection to the project, taking into consideration the availability of the consultant, the subject of the project and the expertise of the consultant. If the coordinator replies, the student should restart the process by changing the project topic or advisor in accordance with the rejection statement.

3.  After the approval of the coordinator, the project consultant gives his / her approval via SAP.

4.              After the completed approvals, the SAP system takes the project course from the course selection area on the student (selection process is completed only in this way).

5.              After the course taking process has been completed, the SAP course in which the project course has been taken must be checked in the "Courses I Enrolled" section.


Thesıs Selection: Consists of 4 Steps


1.              The Program to which SAP Application is Made is selected, Thesis / Project Title, Thesis / Project Summary, Advisor Status (Full Time / Part Time) Thesis / Project Advisor information is entered. Submit is pressed.


2.              The program coordinator examines his SAP account and gives approval or rejection to the project, taking into account the availability of the consultant, the thesis subject and the expertise of the consultant. If the coordinator replies, the student should start the process again by changing the thesis topic or advisor in accordance with the rejection statement.


3.              After the approval of the coordinator, the thesis advisor gives approval to his student via SAP.


4.              After the completed approvals, the SAP system takes the Seminar and Thesis-1 course (Thesis-2 course in the following semester) on the student (selection process is completed only in this way).


5.              After the course taking process has been completed, the SAP course in which the project course has been taken must be checked in the "Courses I Enrolled" section.


Project And Thesis Writing Rules


The points to be considered in the project / thesis stage are announced by the relevant institute within each academic semester. It is the student's responsibility to prepare and correct the thesis/projects in accordance with the plagiarism rate (25%) determined by the institute and the thesis/project format. For detailed information, the relevant institute web page should be followed.


The student who took the thesis 2 course and will enter the thesis defense should follow the order below.


•    The student sends the thesis prepared and finished in accordance with the BAU - Thesis Writing Guide to the Thesis Advisor.

•    Thesis Advisor determines the plagiarism rate of the thesis with the “Turnitin” program. Turnitin Program should only be used by the Thesis Advisor.

•    With the Thesis Plagiarism Report, the Thesis Jury Suggestion Form (Thesis Jury is determined only by the Thesis Advisor), the petition that the Thesis Advisor is in compliance with the Format Control is submitted to the Institute.

•    The thesis, which is taken under format control, is examined by the Institute officials. If any, errors are detected.

•    The thesis continues to be taken into the Format control until the errors are corrected. If no error is detected, "Binding" approval is given. All communications regarding format control should be followed from the Thesis Format Control Menu at