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​​​​​​​Announcement about the English Proficiency Exam (Online) on 10 July 2021

The English Proficiency Exam held by the School of Foreign Languages for students who apply to graduate programs of our university will be held online on July 10 2021.


Online Exam Date: Saturday, July 10, 2021

Exam Time: 10.00 am


Note: Speaking exam student appointment times will be announced on the School of Foreign Languages website two day before the exam.


Detailed information about the candidates' participation in the exam is as follows;


Candidates who will take the English Proficiency exam must submit their attendance status with their passport number to [email protected] until July 7 2021, 10.00 a.m. Candidates must have complete the application for exam registration.


The exam will be held on Itslearning. Candidates will be able to follow the following link under the Announcements and News heading on the School of Foreign Languages web page in the form of text and video.



Candidates must have their photo ID with them on the day of the exam. Students are required to have cameras and microphones for the exam.


Please review the link below for the details of the English Proficiency Exam.