AI Summit AI Summit AI Summit

Announcement About 2020-21 Spring Semester Online Courses

Dear Students,


Your virtual courses will be conducted on Microsoft Teams. There will be no shared link on itslearning platform. To access your virtual course:


1-) login to and check your courses' date and time by clicking Course Schedule.

2-) Download Microsoft Teams application.

3-) At the time of your course, login to Microsoft Teams with your Office 365 username (bahcesehir university e-mail address) and your password (your e-mail password).

Note !  If you do not remember your password; Enter the address Click on I forgot my password. You can update your password with the SMS confirmation sent to your phone.

4-) Click on the name of your course from the "Teams" menu.

5-) If the faculty member has started the course, you may join by clicking the "Join" button.


Also, the course recordings will not be shared on Itslearning. To watch the recordings, you can access by logging in with your MS Teams user credentials.

Microsoft Teams User Guide: