AI Summit AI Summit AI Summit

Faculty of Medicine - Clinical Sciences

Prof. Gülendam KOÇAK
(Head of Internal Medicine Department, Head of Department of Child Health and Diseases)

Prof. Gülendam KOÇAK (Head of Internal Medicine Department, Head of Department of Child Health and Diseases)

02123810000 [email protected]

(Head of Forensic Medicine Department)

Mahmut AŞIRDİZER (Head of Forensic Medicine Department)

Prof. Ali Haydar TURHAN
(Department of Child Health and Diseases)

Prof. Ali Haydar TURHAN (Department of Child Health and Diseases)

+90 212 381 0000 [email protected]

(Department of Child Health and Diseases)

Prof. Duygu Övünç HACIHAMDİOĞLU (Department of Child Health and Diseases)

02123810000 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Hatice Gülhan SÖZEN
(Department of Child Health and Diseases)

Assist Prof. Hatice Gülhan SÖZEN (Department of Child Health and Diseases)

02123810000 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Safiye Suna ÇELEN
(Child Health and Diseases)

Assist Prof. Safiye Suna ÇELEN (Child Health and Diseases)

02123810000 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Koray YALÇIN
(Child Health and Diseases)

Assoc. Prof. Koray YALÇIN (Child Health and Diseases)

02123810000 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Mehmet Fatih FAKİRULLAHOĞLU
(Department of Child Health and Diseases)

Assist Prof. Mehmet Fatih FAKİRULLAHOĞLU (Department of Child Health and Diseases)

02123810000 [email protected]

Prof. Özgür ÖNER

Prof. Özgür ÖNER

Specialization: Ankara University School of Medicine

Bachelors: Ankara University

02123810000 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Sıla KILIÇ SAYAR
(Head of the Skin and Venereal Diseases Department)

Assist Prof. Sıla KILIÇ SAYAR (Head of the Skin and Venereal Diseases Department)

+90 212 381 0000 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Pelin Kuteyla CAN
(Skin and Venereal Diseases)

Assist Prof. Pelin Kuteyla CAN (Skin and Venereal Diseases)

+90 212 381 0000 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Neslihan Müge FİŞEK İZCİ
(Department of Dermatology and Venereal Diseases, Adjunct) (Part Time)

Assist Prof. Neslihan Müge FİŞEK İZCİ (Department of Dermatology and Venereal Diseases, Adjunct) (Part Time)

+90 212 381 0000 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Berna AKSOY
(Department of Dermatology and Venereal Diseases-Adjunct) (Part Time)

Assoc. Prof. Berna AKSOY (Department of Dermatology and Venereal Diseases-Adjunct) (Part Time)

0212 381 0000 [email protected]

Prof. Gülgün Dilek ARMAN
(Head of Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology)

Prof. Gülgün Dilek ARMAN (Head of Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology)

02123810000 [email protected]

Prof. Zeynep İYİGÜN
(Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation)

Prof. Zeynep İYİGÜN (Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation)

0212 381 00 00 [email protected]

(Head of Chest Diseases Department)

Prof. Merih KALAMANOĞLU BALCI (Head of Chest Diseases Department)

0212 381 00 00 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Nazlı Zeynep USLU
(Department of Chest Diseases)

Assist Prof. Nazlı Zeynep USLU (Department of Chest Diseases)

0212 381 0000 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Melike YAVUZ

Assoc. Prof. Melike YAVUZ

02165798247 [email protected]

Prof. Sebahat Dilek TORUN
( Department of Public Health)

Prof. Sebahat Dilek TORUN ( Department of Public Health)



Prof. Cengiz BÖLÜKBAŞ

Prof. Cengiz BÖLÜKBAŞ

Specialization: İstanbul University

Master: İstanbul University

Prof. Fulya COŞAN

Prof. Fulya COŞAN

Specialization: İstanbul University

Master: İstanbul University

Doctorate: İstanbul University

Prof. Hamdi Levent DOĞANAY
(Department of Internal Diseases)

Prof. Hamdi Levent DOĞANAY (Department of Internal Diseases)

0212 381 00 00 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Sema TÜRKER
(Department of Internal Diseases)

Assoc. Prof. Sema TÜRKER (Department of Internal Diseases)

0212 381 00 00 [email protected]

Prof. Filiz Füsun BÖLÜKBAŞ
(Department of Internal Diseases-Adjunct) (Part Time)

Prof. Filiz Füsun BÖLÜKBAŞ (Department of Internal Diseases-Adjunct) (Part Time)

02123810000 [email protected]

Prof. Mutlu ARAT
(Department of Internal Diseases-Adjunct) (Part Time)

Prof. Mutlu ARAT (Department of Internal Diseases-Adjunct) (Part Time)

0212 381 0000 [email protected]

Prof. Osman ÖZDOĞAN
(Department of Internal Diseases - Adjunct)

Prof. Osman ÖZDOĞAN (Department of Internal Diseases - Adjunct)

0212 381 00 00 [email protected]

Prof. Bahadır DAĞDEVİREN
(Head of Cardiology Department)

Prof. Bahadır DAĞDEVİREN (Head of Cardiology Department)

Specialization: Siyami Ersek Hospital

Master: İstanbul University

Prof. Vecih ODUNCU

Prof. Vecih ODUNCU

Bachelors: Çukurova University

Master: Kartal Koşuyolu Yüksek İhtisas Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi

+90 212 381 0000 [email protected]

Prof. Kenan SÖNMEZ

Prof. Kenan SÖNMEZ (Cardiology)

02123810000 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Muhammed KESKİN
(Department of Cardiology)

Assoc. Prof. Muhammed KESKİN (Department of Cardiology)

+90 212 381 0000 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Arif Oğuzhan ÇİMEN
(Department of Cardiology)

Assoc. Prof. Arif Oğuzhan ÇİMEN (Department of Cardiology)

Specialization: İstanbul University

Bachelors: İstanbul University

02123810000 [email protected]

Prof. Sabahattin GÜNDÜZ
(Department of Cardiology)

Prof. Sabahattin GÜNDÜZ (Department of Cardiology)

0212 381 0000 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Adnan KAYA
(Department of Cardiology)

Assoc. Prof. Adnan KAYA (Department of Cardiology)

0212 381 00 00 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Gürkan KARACA
(Department of Cardiology)

Assist Prof. Gürkan KARACA (Department of Cardiology)

0212 381 00 00 [email protected]


Prof. Gülay KENANGİL
(Neurology Department - Adjunct) (Part Time)

Prof. Gülay KENANGİL (Neurology Department - Adjunct) (Part Time)

Prof. Berrin PEHLİVAN
(Radiation Oncology Department) (Part Time)

Prof. Berrin PEHLİVAN (Radiation Oncology Department) (Part Time)

02123810000 [email protected]

Prof. Sibel ÇAKIR
(Head of Mental Health and Diseases)

Prof. Sibel ÇAKIR (Head of Mental Health and Diseases)

0212 381 00 00 [email protected]

Ph.D Alparslan Asil BUDAKLI
(Department of Mental Health and Diseases-Adjunct) (Part Time)

Ph.D Alparslan Asil BUDAKLI (Department of Mental Health and Diseases-Adjunct) (Part Time)

02123810000 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Fatih ÖZDENER

Assoc. Prof. Fatih ÖZDENER

Bachelors: Hacettepe University / Faculty of Medicine

Doctorate: Temple University (ABD) / Pharmacology

02123810000 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Zülfiye GÜL

Assoc. Prof. Zülfiye GÜL

02123810000 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Abdulbaki AĞAÇKIRAN

Assist Prof. Abdulbaki AĞAÇKIRAN

02123810000 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Adnan Kuşman

Assist Prof. Adnan Kuşman

Prof. Ali ÖZGEN

Prof. Ali ÖZGEN

02123810000 [email protected]