AI Summit AI Summit AI Summit

Faculty of Educational Sciences - Dean's Office

Prof. Yavuz SAMUR

Prof. Yavuz SAMUR (Dean)

Bachelors: Muğla University

Master: Muğla University

Doctorate: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

+90 212 381 5180 [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Burçak Çağla GARİPAĞAOĞLU
(Vice Dean)

Assoc. Prof. Burçak Çağla GARİPAĞAOĞLU (Vice Dean)

Bachelors: Boğaziçi University

Master: University of Sydney

Doctorate: Yeditepe University

+90 212 381 5176 [email protected]

Prof. Berna GÜLOĞLU
(Vice Dean)

Prof. Berna GÜLOĞLU (Vice Dean)

Bachelors: Middle East Technical University

Master: Middle East Technical University

Doctorate: Middle East Technical University

+90 212 381 5172 [email protected]

(Faculty Secretary )

Şehri KARAMANLI AVCIL (Faculty Secretary )

Bachelors: Anadolu University

Master: Bahçeşehir University

+90 212 381 5290 [email protected]

(Dean Secretary)

Oya OKTAV (Dean Secretary)

Bachelors: Anadolu University

Master: Bahçeşehir University

0212 381 51 47 [email protected]

Merve Kahraman

Merve Kahraman (Specialist)

Bachelors: Anadolu University

Master: Bahçeşehir University

0212 381 51 55 [email protected]

Dinemis Vatanartıran
(Project Devolopment Coordinator)

Dinemis Vatanartıran (Project Devolopment Coordinator)

+90 212 381 5151 [email protected]