Molecular Biology and Genetics - Academic Staff

Assist Prof. Cemalettin BEKPEN
(Department Chair)

Assist Prof. Cemalettin BEKPEN (Department Chair)

Bachelors: Abant İzzet Baysal University

Master: Orta Doğu Technical University

Doctorate: The Institute for Genetics of the University of Cologne

+90 212 381 0592 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Ömer Lütfi UYANIK

Assist Prof. Ömer Lütfi UYANIK

Bachelors: Middle East Tecnical University

Master: Middle East Tecnical University

Doctorate: Boğaziçi University

+90 212 381 0544 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Elif EREN

Assist Prof. Elif EREN

Bachelors: Paris 5 Rene Descartes University

Master: Paris 6 Pierre Marie Curie University

Doctorate: Boğaziçi University

0 (212) 381 5706 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Merve SEVEN

Assist Prof. Merve SEVEN

Bachelors: İstanbul University

Doctorate: Yeditepe University

0212 381 0553 [email protected]

Prof. Sezai TÜRKEL
(Part Time)

Prof. Sezai TÜRKEL (Part Time)

Bachelors: İstanbul University

Master: Uludağ University

Doctorate: University of Maryland Baltimore County

0212 381 00 00 [email protected]

Assist Prof. Dilek ÇEVİK

Assist Prof. Dilek ÇEVİK

Bachelors: Middle East Technical University

Doctorate: İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University

0212 381 0587 [email protected]

Arş. Gör. Hamza Bayhan

Arş. Gör. Hamza Bayhan

Specialization: Yıldız Teknik University

Bachelors: Balıkesir University

Master: Balıkesir University

02163810000 [email protected]

Arş. Gör Fatma Özge ASLAN

Arş. Gör Fatma Özge ASLAN

0212 381 0000 [email protected]