Bahçeşehir University made a declaration in December 2019 to pursue institutional studies on gender equality and anti-harassment, especially in terms of sexual harassment and work-place violence, and prevention of all kinds of discrimination. Following this declaration, as of October 2020, a group of expert BAU faculty members started to work with the aim of bringing equality and inclusion-based-approach in all university-run operations.We are happy to announce that BAU Equality and Inclusion Committee (BAU EQUAL) has started working developing policies and procedures to prevent incidents of sexual harassment and gender based violence, as well as work-place violence and discrimination based violence.
BAU EQUAL, so far, has examined national and international models to determine the steps of creating a non-violent campus and an inclusive learning/working environment. In this regard, Sexual Harassment and Assault Prevention/Response Unit has been established and any BAU member(academics, administrative staff, students, staff) can contact in case of being the victim or witness of gender-based violence, discrimination, sexual or psychological violence.
Click for the policy statement of Sexual Harassment and Assault Prevention/Response Unit
Click for the directive of Sexual Harassment and Assault Prevention/Response Unit
Click here for the unit promotional video