EDT6101 Quantitative Methods in Educational Research
The overarching objective of this course is to enable the students in a range of techniques of quantitative analysis of data collected in the realm of learning and teaching practices. The major competencies will be geared to introductory concepts of measurement; principles and basic techniques of quantitative assessment and inference in educational research; construction and deconstruction of objective reality; assessment of validity and reliability; exploration of best practices in correlational and comparative analysis; explanatory and confirmatory facts; statistical inference and mathematical modelling; software in quantitative analysis; the quasi-experimental methods to accomplish generalizability; strengths, shortcomings, difficulties, opportunities, and advantages of quantitative approach to data analysis.
EDT6102 Qualitative Methods in Educational Research
The overarching objective of this course is to enable the students in a range of techniques of qualitative analysis of data collected in the realm of learning and teaching practices. The major competencies will be geared to introductory concepts; principles and basic techniques of qualitative analysis in educational research; construction and deconstruction of subjective reality; triangulation to ensure credibility; exploration of best practices in content analysis; coding and decoding in the accumulation of explanatory facts; analytical induction and hypothetical deduction; software in qualitative analysis; the quasi-judicial methods to reach final judgments; strengths, shortcomings, difficulties, opportunities, and advantages of qualitative approach to data analysis.
EDT6103 Readings in Educational Technology
This course helps learners develop a broad perspective on the past and current ongoing research studies conducted in the field of educational technology. Topics in this course will include: educational technology as an academic discipline; the historical development of educational technology and its theoretical, psychological and philosophical foundations; instructional design models; past and present topics and trends in educational technology research; recent and future trends in the area of educational technology; professional foundations, projects, publications and career opportunities in educational technology.
EDT6104 Designing Integrated Media Environments
The course includes principles, methods, and tools for the design and development of multimedia applications. Students will be able to incorporate sound, animation, still images, hypertext and video with various multimedia technologies for educational applications. Students will understand the theoretical and empirical foundations of multimedia learning. Students will understand how multimedia learning research is conducted and its resultant principles. Finally, it is also expected that students will entertain a sceptical perspective on the nature and application of multimedia technologies by the end of the course.
EDT6105 Educational System Design
Systems view of education, descriptive, experimental and perspective views of educational system, definition of learning outcomes, identifications of inputs, structural elements of instructional systems, compelling inputs to educational systems, bipolar dynamic attributes of educational systems.
EDT6106 Web Based Material Development
The main goal of the course is to learn to design and develop effective, efficient, attractive and quality e-learning material for web and gain a deeper understanding of the emerging research literature, experiences, discovery and reflections. The course helps students to design and develop instructional materials within the framework of instructional design principles and usability guidelines, and guide them through the concepts, research literature and discussions of e-learning design.
EDT6107 Digital Educational Games: Theories, Design, Research and Applications
After introducing the games and educational games, methods and strategies related with game based learning are examined to use digital educational games for effective instruction. Related research studies and literature reviews are investigated to understand and base digital educational game research studies. Sample digital educational games and commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) games with their unique game elements and mechanics are analysed to create students' their own digital educational game design.
EDT6108 Distance Education: Theories, Research and Applications
This course will cover application of theory, principles, and instructional practice in distance education. Characteristics (planning, development, implementation, administration, and evaluation), technologies (telecommunications, course or learning management systems, virtual environments with 3D, wikis, blogs, and Google apps), and current issues that exist in a distance educational environment will be addressed. Students will develop an understanding of a systematic view of distance education in K-12, higher education, business, government, and military settings. Students will also explain how access and accessibility issues should influence distance education programs, especially for materials design, interactivity, and usability.
EDT6109 Responsive Open Learning Environments
This course introduces the main concepts and technologies behind Responsive Open Learning Environments (ROLE). The ROLE provides tools and services that enable learners to build their own technology enhanced learning environment based on their needs and preferences. The Responsive Open Learning Environment (ROLE) project is a European funded initiative that has been established to research and explore a variety of tools and services that enable learners to build their own technology-enhanced learning environment based on their needs and preferences. This course provides an overview of the concepts behind Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) and also demonstrates a selection of learning tools that have been developed by the ROLE project. Additionally, it gives the learner an opportunity to use some of these tools through a set of learning activities.
EDT6110 Technology Enhanced Learning
This course is designed for current or future professionals in e-learning or ‘technology-enhanced’ learning. It is highly relevant if you already work in e-learning in a university or college, in training, in heritage, health or non-formal learning – or if you’re considering moving into one of these areas. The course provides hands-on experience of a range of learning technologies, and enables you to explore the processes of designing, implementing and critiquing technology-enhanced learning. By the end of your studies, you’ll have developed your ability to act as a creative and effective professional within the broad field of technology-enhanced learning, teaching and training.
EDT6111 Enabling Inclusion of All through Technology
Enabling inclusion of all through technology is an introductory course open to graduate students from all disciplines with an interest in role of information, communication and assistive technology in removing barriers for all in education and society. The course is intended to provide the professionals involved in education of people with disabilities with an overview of strategies, methods, and principles of information and communication technology (ICT) and assistive technology (AT) usage in their professional activities.
EDT6112 Multi-Criteria Decision Methods
Multiple characteristics of components of instructional systems (i.e. students, physical settings, social interactions, instruments and processes); multi trait nature of constructs relevant to education (intelligence, aptitude, achievement, personality, interest etc.); human preference-oriented and data-oriented decision situations in education, overview of multi-criteria decision making methods (multi attribute utility theory, multi attribute value theory, analytic hierarchy process, data envelopment analysis, TOPSIS etc.); individual project on application of one of the MCDM method to assess the teaching and learning efficiencies of schools; item attributes of tests; quality of software and so on and so forth.
EDT6113 Online Authentic Measurement
Types and principles of measurement; essential attributes of measurement: validity, reliability, practicality, accessibility; special emphasis on construct validity; shortcomings and drawbacks of paper-pencil tests; search for authentic, non-reactive and unobtrusive measures; advantages of computer supported testing; compelling forces for on-line testing; incorporating colour, motion and interactivity in testing; real time computer simulations as instrumental aids in testing.
EDT6114 Emerging Topics in Educational Technology
This course describes a broad spectrum of current leading-edge design-based research on new types of tools, applications, media, and environments in education, and the theories of learning that underlie these studies. It depicts how the "affordances" of information technology (e.g., distributed cognition, situated learning, sophisticated pattern recognition, multisensory immersion, modelling, and visualization) aid the educational process. The course delineates the likely evolution of students' media-based learning styles and information technology in education over the next decade. In this course students will discuss how innovations such as multi-user virtual environments, intelligent tutoring systems, customized personal information systems, and augmented realities can support improved teaching and learning. The students will also portray the challenges to educational equity and diversity posed by emerging technologies and strategies for overcoming these problems.
EDT6115 Technology Leadership and Planning
Fundamentals of technology integration, technology planning and diffusion of innovation for educational organizations. Administrative, instructional, social, ethical, legal, and human issues in technology planning. Enablers, barriers and challenges in technology integration into education. Models of school technology planning and evaluation and the phases of these models. Procedures; policies; visioning; need analysis; budgeting; planning, maintenance and upgrade issues of hardware, software and peopleware issues in technology planning. Managers’ and coordinators’ leadership roles and standards in technology integration. Visionary leadership, digital age learning culture, excellence in professional practice, systemic improvement and digital citizenship in technology leadership.
EDT6116 Cognition, Learnin, and Technology
Students will understand the perceptual and neurocognitive mechanisms central to both cognitive system and to the technological possibilities for learning. The students will investigate theories of cognition, cognitive systems, cognitive development and learning. The students will study recent advanced in cognitive science and neuroscience and implications for thinking and thinkers and will consider technologies and the amplification of cognition and learning in contemporary curricula. In this course, we will explore several different theoretical perspectives on learning, cognition, and cognitive development. As we will see, no single theory can account for all aspects of human learning and cognition. By looking at a variety of theories, we can identify a range of principles, perspectives, and tools that may be useful in understanding learning and teaching in a variety of contexts.
EDT6117 Developing and Managing Educational Projects
The characteristics of educational projects, project management phases of educational projects, scope, time, cost and quality management. Planning, developing and monitoring projects using MS-Project. Evaluation of educational technology projects. The development of educational technology projects for TUBITAK, EU, UNESCO, WorldBank, MoNE (MEB), SPO (DPT), public and private sector.
EDT6118 Science, Technology and Society
Expanding information in sciences and technology; impact of information on the quality of individual and social life; skills and attitudes expected of the citizens of next coming years; economical and epistemological imperatives for life-long learning to enrich the understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of the life on earth; to make informed decisions about the interrelated scientific, social, and educational issues; the contraction of expanding scientific knowledge into a viable curriculum; critical review of the innovative research on effective use of ICTs in every domain of life.
EDT6887 Seminar
Presentation and discussion of the studies, developments, existing problems, and possible solutions in the field of instructional technology.
EDT6885 Ph.D. Qualification Exam
Students will take qualification exam.
EDT6886 Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal
Students will prepare their dissertation proposal and defense their proposal to the jury.
EDT6888-1 Ph.D. Thesis
Doctoral thesis is an original and an independent study that is performed on a well-defined research problem after completing the theoretical and applied courses. The thesis is guided by an academic advisor who provides support on literature review, generating solutions, and maintaining ethical standards.
EDT6888-2 Ph.D. Thesis
Doctoral thesis is an original and an independent study that is performed on a well-defined research problem after completing the theoretical and applied courses. The thesis is guided by an academic advisor who provides support on literature review, generating solutions, and maintaining ethical standards.
EDT6888-3 Ph.D. Thesis
Doctoral thesis is an original and an independent study that is performed on a well-defined research problem after completing the theoretical and applied courses. The thesis is guided by an academic advisor who provides support on literature review, generating solutions, and maintaining ethical standards.