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Participation To The International Webinar On The Issues Of Process For Human And Energy Security In Libya

Rear Admiral (Rtd) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cihat Yayci attended a webinar titled "The process for human & energy security in Libya" which was held by The Institute for Islamic Strategic Affairs (IISA) and Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) as Director of BAU Maritime and Global Strategies Center on 22 July 2020. The goal of the web meeting was to assess the current and emerging dynamics of the conflict from different perspectives. Representatives from many countries attended this webinar. (UAE, Libya, Egypt, etc.) There were two questions addressed at the meeting which are the current and emerging dynamics in the Libyan conflict, and another topic was protecting human lives in today’s Libya.

The first question that was discussed is the current and emerging dynamics in the Libyan conflict and what would be a constructive development. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yayci answered the question as follows:

            “UN recognizes only one regime in Libya which is the Government of National Accord (GNA). All countries should recognize and support GNA because they are the only legitimate entity in Libya. However, a few weeks ago, Haftar claims that he is the president of Libya which is not acceptable. According to international law, all entities except GNA are illegitimate. That is why Haftar and his supporters are committing an international crime. Unfortunately, some countries are involving this fight and they are sending ammunitions and mercenaries to support Haftar. For instance, UAE sends antitank guided missiles, laser-guided weapons, and towed howitzers to Haftar that are captured in Libya. Further, Medihali Salafists support Haftar and this is another big threat to stability in the country. There are so many evidences that the UAE and some other countries continue to send the ammunitions and troops to Libya. Turkey is in favor of democracy. That is why Turkey only supports elected Serraj against illegal entities. There is no Turkish troop in Libya. There are around 90 Turkish officers and they are just advising concerning the agreement between the legitimate Libyan government and the Turkish government. As a result, the constructive solution is that supporting the only legitimate government which is GNA to maintain stability, peace, and security in the country. GNA should be the only authority.”


Another topic discussed at the meeting was protecting human lives in today’s Libya and how can we ensure the protection of human lives in any scenario. This question was responded by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yayci as follows:

            “In Libya, people do not feel safe and are constantly on the edge. Women especially feel more threatened when they go out - and kidnappings for ransom are a constant threat. More than 200,000 people are internally displaced and 1.3 million need humanitarian assistance, according to the UN. There are many issues but the main issue is ISIS. GNA struggles against ISIS but Haftar did not do anything about it. The other struggle for Libyans is Salafists. Medihali Salafists came to Libya to support Haftar. They kidnapped the children, they raped women. Besides, Haftar bombed the market places, city centers but GNA never did that. There are thousands of evidence related to Haftar’s attacks.

As a solution, someone should establish authority, stability, and security over the country. Everyone should know that Libya belongs to Libyans, no one else. Libya is not a tribe, shah, or emirate. Everyone should support democracy in Libya. We know how some countries are afraid of Libya’s success. That’s why I understand why they are struggling with a country thousand and thousand miles away from their own countries. However, Libyans people are suffering. They need water, electricity, and basic human needs. Libyan’s allies should support them on those issues too. Libyan society is in danger because of these illegal entities’ attacks. This should be stopped immediately. What Haftar and his supporters do is an international crime.”


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cihat Yayci

Sebahat Kurutas

Simay Sevval Baykal