The Applied Mathematics M.Sc. program practiced by the Department of Engineering Mathematics enables the students to conduct advanced research for application in the fields of Engineering, Medicine, Physics, Biology, Computer Sciences ,Finans under the supervision of advisors. The Applied Mathematics M.Sc. program is designed to enable the graduates to have a successful academic career and carry out scientific research at universities. We offer two M.Sc .programs inTurkish with and without a thesis. The program with thesis includes 7 courses (with a minimum credit of 21 including compulsory courses of 9 credits), a seminar course and thesis work. The program without thesis includes 10 courses (with a minimum credit of 30 including compulsory courses of 9 credits) and a graduation project course. Graduates of four-year science programs from national and foreign universities can be admitted to our M.S. programs directly or after the completion of the "Scientific Preperation’’ program.