Bahcesehir University Bilimsel Arastirma Projeleri (BAUBAP), is a structure within the University managed by the BAUBAP Commission that funds researchers (within and) on behalf of the University independent from external funding resources. The BAUBAP secretariat has been granted to BAUTTO in 2016 therefore all BAP applications are received by BAUTTO and presented to the BAUBAP Commission for consideration.
BAUTTO manages all BAUBAP related project’s budget and finance processjust like the external funded projects.
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) applications related to BAP related projects are conducted by BAUTTO.
BAUBAP applications are open all year round. The application forms can be downloaded from and needs to be submitted after getting the neccesary approvals from the Dean / Institute Director / Gradute School Director they are affiliated with.
BAUBAP Commission meets once every three months, total of 4 (four) times per year.