AI Summit AI Summit AI Summit

Important Registration Dates for Undergraduate Students

25 January 2019 Friday Deadline for all students to pay any overdue liabilities and their Spring semester tuition fees for the 2018-2019 Academic year. The SAP system will not be open for the registration of students who have not fulfilled their financial obligations before the regular registration period and these students will not be able to register during the regular registration period.

28 January - 01

February 2019


Online registration of the students in the Associate and Undergraduate degree programs (including International, Erasmus and World exchange students). Students who have registered for their freshman courses in the Spring semester for the first time (irregular students) will be required to register online for some of their courses and some of their courses will be assigned by SAP. During the ADD-DROP week, the newly-registered irregular students may make some changes in the courses that have been assigned by the system. Students who have not registered for any courses during the regular registration period cannot carry out any course registration procedures during the ADD-DROP week. Students in the Faculty of Medicine are required to register for their 1-semester courses during this period.