This year, Photography and Video Department will accept students through SPECIAL APTITUDE EXAM.
The exam will have two parts. The first part will consist of a written exam. In the second part, students will be interviewed about their previous works and portfolios documenting their visual production.
The written exam aims at evaluating the candidates' inclination towards the field of Photography and Video, as well as their general cultural knowledge and their talent. This part of the entrance examination does not require a initial preparation. The oral exam takes into account the candidates' general motivation for, and objective in, studying Photography and Video. It consists of an interview, based on questions regarding the candidates' background and general interests. All candidates are encouraged to bring their original portfolios, which will principally consist of their photography and video work and which may also include their significant productions in other artistic branches. You can contact the academic staff of Photography and Video Department for more information on how to prepare your portfolio.
For those who will attend the Special Aptitude Exam it's recomended that they apply to APPLYBAU.