BAU Faculty of Medicine students, who are study English at BAU’s Washington D.C. campus, visited Yale University’s School of Medicine. Students who participated in the two and a half week investigation at Yale University, visit the Günel Neurogenetics Lab, directed by Prof. Dr. Murat Günel and the Yale Genome Analysis center directed by Dr. Kaya Bilgüvar.
BAU Faculty of Medicine students, learning about the most recent developments in the field of genetics and neurogenetics at one of the world’s top centers, gained insight on the future of science. Students, focusing not only on the future, but also on the past of science, visited the brain and tumor collection and the personal belongings of one of brain surgery’s pioneers, Harvey Cushing, at the Cushing Center. At the same time, students had the opportunity to listen, in an interview entitled “What makes us human?”, MIT Media Lab’s Computer Science expert, Rosalind Picard and Yale University’s Philosophy and Cognitive Science expert, Joshua Knobe.
At Yale University, which is renowned not only in the field of science but also rich in terms of art, BAU Faculty of Medicine students are visiting the British Museum of Art, the Yale Art Gallery, the Peabody Museum of History and the Beinecke Rare Books Library. BAU Faculty of Medicine student Salih Ersöz played a short concert after a piano concert performed by New York experimental jazz musicians.
BAU Faculty of Medicine students both received career recommendations from the most successful scientists, and inspiration for the beginning of their studies. After this trip, BAU Medical School’s students return to the Washington D.C. Campus to complete their English education.