2013-2014 Academic Year registration will take place between 02-06 September 2013. Each and every student registering for the first time is required to take the Placement Exam. The information regarding this exam and the procedures that are to be followed by students are explained in detail below.
1) English Placement Exam:
The English Placement Exam will take place on Beşiktaş Campus, seven (7) times a day between 02-06 September 2013. It will be given on hourly basis between 10:00-16:00 every day. Accordingly, the exam hours will be as follows: 10:00; 11:00; 12:00, 13:00; 14:00; 15:00; 16:00.
Students who register and obtain their “Student Identity Cards” have to go to the English Placement Registration Desks in “A Block Lounge” in order to find out the exam venue and other details regarding the exam.
The English Placement Exam comprises questions assessing reading skills, grammar and vocabulary knowledge.
In the English Placement Exam, 1 point will be deducted from your overall score for every 4 wrong answers.
Students obtaining a score of 60% in the English Placement Exam are eligible to take the English Proficiency Exam which is to be given on Monday September 9th, 2013.
You can find detailed information about the English Proficiency Exam below:
2) English Proficiency Exam
Bahçeşehir University 2013-2014 Academic Year English Proficiency Exam will take place on Şişli Campus on Monday September 9th, 2013
The English Proficiency Exam comprises two sections: “Written” and “Speaking”. Exam times appointed for both sections are stated below:
Written Section: 09:00-12:30
Speaking Exam: 13:00-17:00
IMPORTANT NOTE: In the speaking exam, students will take the exam based on a 15-minute appointment schedule.
Students will learn their appointment times from the Exam Announcement Notice Boards.
The English Proficiency Written Exam evaluates reading, listening, grammar, vocabulary and writing skills. The Speaking Exam evaluates speaking skills.
Students have to obtain a score of 60% in order to pass the English Proficiency Exam and be exempt from the Preparatory Program. A score of 80% is required for American Culture and Literature and English Language Teaching students. Students who fail to obtain the necessary grade in the English Proficiency Exam will attend the English Preparatory Program for at least one semester.
Students taking the English Proficiency Exam have to be in the exam venues with their Student Identity Cards given by Bahçeşehir University half an hour before the exam time stated above. Students will take the seats allocated to them after their identity cards have been checked by exam invigilators.