Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Şehvar Beşiroğlu…
Dear Researchers,
As BAUART Art Journal, we are publishing a special issue on the theme of “Time, Space, and Art in Pera.” One of our primary goals is to provide a scholarly contribution for the cultural sustainability of Istanbul’s Pera district, where Bahçeşehir University Conservatory is also located. From a historical perspective, Pera has been regarded as the city’s cultural and artistic hub since the nineteenth century, symbolizing modernization during periods of social transformation. From the Byzantine era to the present day, Pera has retained its historical significance while also reflecting the city’s evolving identity through its modern landmarks, which reflect ongoing urban transformation. This progress creates a viable environment for artistic production and dissemination. Theater and music, recognized as key elements of Ottoman modernization, were reshaped here. Today, the district remains a testament to cultural sustainability. Its theaters, cinemas, radio stations, Sufi convents and lodges, art schools, music and record stores from past to present, libraries, and instrument-making workshops help preserve the area’s cultural memory. In this special issue, we aim to explore Pera’s artistic past and present from diverse perspectives through contributions from our esteemed researchers, including research articles, compilations, review essays, and translations. In addition to the suggested thematic areas, we welcome new approaches and perspectives proposed by contributors.
Special Issue Editor
Harvard University
Final submission deadline: June 14, 2025
Theater Performances in Pera
Theaters and Opera Houses in Pera
Entertainment Culture in Pera
Musical Coffeehouses
Folk Music of Istanbul
Music of Istanbul
Changing Soundscapes of Pera
Record and Music Stores
Instrument Makers
Art in Pera through the Eyes of Travelers
Music Libraries in Pera
Independent Music Groups
Sufi Lodges and Religious Orders
Mevlevi Music
History of Sound Recording
Sound Recording Studios in Pera