*As of April 3, 2023, all of our applied courses will be held face-to-face.
*Attendances taken in applied courses are for the follow-up of the student's participation in the laboratory course.
*Students who cannot attend the applied courses face to face will take the final exams by participating in the “practical application period” to be held between 29 May- 9 June 2023.
*Final exams and make-up exams will be held face-to-face.
*Students who could not take the exam by proving that they were earthquake victims within the excuses specified in the Bahçeşehir University Examination Directive and with the documents obtained from the e-Devlet system, will be given the right to participate in the "practical application period" and makeup excuses in the summer term, on the dates announced by the instructor of the course. The make-up exam date will be announced by our Rectorate.
*For students who do not attend the practical parts of the course, their grades will be kept incomplete even if they take the final theoretical exams. When the practical applications are completed, the final grade will be entered into the system.