“Congress of Evliya Celebi’s Balkans” will be held on 16-20 April 2012 in Skopje, the capital of Macedonia, under the auspices of the President, Prof. Dr. Gjorge IVANOV. Scientists and researchers may participate in the congress with their academic studies discussing the subject of “Evliya Celebi’s Balkans” in an objective manner both theoretically and methodically and based on new information and documents. Transportation, accommodation and other expenses of the participants that will submit notices will be covered by the organization.
Invitation letter of the organization arranged by Macedonian Academy of Scientists and Arts (MANU - Skopje, Macedonia) and Bahcesehir University Civilization Studies Center (MEDAM - Istanbul - Turkey) is as follows:
Letter of Invitation
General Assembly of UNESCO decided to honor Evliya Çelebi in 2011 for his 400th birthday and celebrate Evliya Çelebi all around the world. In cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkish Republic and other national and international institutions, Bahçeşehir University Civilization Studies Center (MEDAM) hereby prepared a comprehensive project named “A Pilgrim of Civilization, Evliya Çelebi” involving international Exhibitions, Panels, Thematic film, children’s movie, the Atlas of Evliya Çelebi, books and brochures promoting the cities, countries and historical places visited by Evliya Çelebi in different languages.
The exhibitions that constitute one of the core concepts of this project have 4 main themes: Evliya Çelebi’s Istanbul, Evliya Çelebi’s Anatolia, Evliya Çelebi’s Balkans, Evliya Çelebi’s World.
This project that approaches the places visited by Evliya Çelebi, who was one of the greatest and distinguished pilgrims of the world, with their historical and cultural fabrics was, in accordance with the themes specified above, conducted with exhibitions, symposiums, conferences and panels in different places, especially in Turkey and France (with the cooperation of UNESCO and INALCO, in Paris) throughout the year 2011
“Congress of Evliya Çelebi’s Balkans” will be held in the capital of Macedonia, Skopje in the presence of the President of Macedonia Honorable Prof. Dr. Gjorge IVANOV between April 16th & 20th, 2012.
Organization of this congress supported by T.C. Promotion Fund of the Prime Ministry, T.C. Ministry of Culture and Alliance of Civilizations Turkey Coordination Committee has been executed by Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MANU) and Bahçeşehir University Civilization Studies Center (MEDAM).
As known, we have had historical, cultural and humanitarian links with Balkan countries and these links are getting more important. In the “Congress of Evliya Çelebi’s Balkans”, the character of the historical, social, cultural and economic relations in Balkans geography will be discussed from an academic perspective. All researchers, scientists and thinkers from Turkey, Balkan countries and all around the world are expected to attend the congress that focuses on Evliya Çelebi, his time and the culture, art and thought existing in Balkan countries in his time.
On April 17, 2012 with the honorable presence of Distinguished Prof. Dr. Gjorge IVANOV, the President of Macedonia, inauguration will be held and we would like to see scientists and researchers who have conducted theoretically and methodologically objective researches on the topic of “Evliya Çelebi’s Balkans” with their academic works based on new information and new documents among us. For attendance, notification is essential. Scientists wanting to attend the congress from Turkey, Balkan countries and other countries are required to fill out the attendance form and submit the subject of their papers and their abstracts to [email protected] by March 15, 2012; and those wanting to attend the congress from Macedonia are required to submit the subject of their papers and abstracts to [email protected] by March 15, 2012. Languages of the congress are Turkish, Macedonian and English. Subsequent to the assessments of the detailed summaries by Congress Regulation Committee, second announcement concerning the accepted persons will be made.
Transportation, accommodation and other costs of the attendees who will present a paper will be reimbursed by the organization.
Best Regards,
Prof. Dr. Vlado KAMBOVSKİ - Prof. Dr. Bekir KARLIĞA
Prof. Dr. Georgi STARDELOV- Prof. Dr. Nabi AVCI- Prof. Dr. Tsvetan GROZDANOV
Prof. Dr. Şenay YALÇIN- Prof. Dr. Mateya MATEVSKİ- Prof. Dr. Heath LOUVRY
Prof. Dr.Yordan POP YORDANOV- Prof. Dr. Jean Louis Bacque GRAMMONT
Prof. Dr. Zlatko JOGLEV- Prof. Dr. Mehmet KALPAKLI - Prof. Dr. Luan STAROVA
Prof.Dr.İvan KATARCİEV - Prof. Dr. Hayati DEVELI- Prof. Dr. Arif AGO
Prof.Dr.Katica KULAVKOVA- Prof. Dr. Musa DUMAN
Prof.Dr.Mitko MACUNKOV - Prof.Dr.Sevim PİLİÇKOVA-Doç.Dr.Sevin ALİL
Prof.Dr. Dragi GORGİEV - Prof. Dr. Recep ŞENTÜRK – Yrd. Doç. Dr. Burhan KÖROĞLU-
Prof. Dr. Mariya PANDEVSKA Prof.Dr. Ferid MUHİÇ-Prof. Dr. Aida İSLAM- Doç. Dr. Nazim İBRAHİM Doç. Dr. Fadil HOCA- Doç. Dr. Mahmut ÇELİK - Doç. Dr.Yasna BAÇOVSKA
Zoran PAVLOV- Güner İSMAİL - Dragica JİVKOVA - Elizabeta KONESKA,
Prof.Dr.Numan ARUÇ- Yrd. Doç. Dr. Burhan KÖROĞLU
Dr. Coşkun YILMAZ-Mehmet KILIÇ- Vahdettin IŞIK
Prof.Dr.Alaeddin ABAZİ -Lidiya KUMBARACİ- Prof.Dr. Todor ÇEPREGANOV
Prof. Dr. Aleksandar STERYOVSKİ-Prof. Dr. Zoran TODOROVSKİ
Prof. Dr. Kosta BALABANOV - Prof.Dr. Gazanfer BAYRAM- Esat BAYRAM -İlhami EMİN- Prof. Dr. Mehmet KALPAKLI, Prof. Dr. Zekeriya KURŞUN, Dr. Hayati Develi, Prof. Dr. Musa Duman Prof. Dr. Recep Şentürk