All Students of BAU-Faculty of Architecture and Design,
We are organizing a multidisciplinary Workshop / Competition in Özak-Yenigün-Ziylan Partnership .
Required is an Installation and Space Proposal for three different locations in Büyükyalı Kazlıçeşme Fabrika-i Hümayun Area.
We are inviting you all to attend the workshop on October 18 - 19 - 23 (2019) @ BAU North Campus
Subscriptions are until 17 October 2019 by Büşra Atam (mail: [email protected])
There will be a contact meeting on 18 October, Friday at 15:00 in KST302.
Equivalent Awards for the best project of each location will be:
Location I 10.000 TL
Location II 10.000 TL
Location III 10.000 TL
Click for specifications.
You can download all the site documents needed by clicking this link:
We are looking for your participation.
BAU-Faculty of Architecture and Design