Creative Industries Research and Implementation Center
Our Mission:
Producing scientific knowledge on creative industries on the national and international levels,
Promoting knowledge-production and knowledge-exchange,
Turning the scientific knowledge into applicable policies useful for the administrators and actors of the cretive industries sector,
Bringing together the actors of the creative industry; policy-makers, sectoral entrepreneurs and the social science community; help forge cooperative and synergistic links among them.
Contribute to the national and international level, short, medium and long term strategic planning efforts.
Help prompote employment for the creative industries,
Contribute to the economic development, social cohesion, increase in social welfare and well-being.
Our Work:
Scientific Research:
Original, national and international scientific studies and research
Archiving, mapping and oral history work
International Conference on Creative Industries
Data scanning for the creative industries
Almanac on the Creative Industries
Sectoral Implementation:
“Workshops on Problem-Identification and Problem-Solving” to be organized by the representatives of the creative industries.
University-industry collaboration
Transferring of global innovative trends into Turkey’s creative industries.
Projects on increasing human capital for the sector
Policy Proposals:
Transferring of the scientific knowledge into policy-implementation to be used by the policy makers.
Preparation of the periodical and thematical executive summaries
Comparative analyses of the international governmental aned municipal policies on the creative industries.