Prof. Dr. Ebru Canan-Sokullu
Canan-Sokullu, E. (ed.) (2020) Turkey in Transition: Politics, Society and Foreign Policy Berlin: Peter Lang
Canan-Sokullu, E. (der.) (2018) Türkiye’de Uluslararası İlişkiler Eğitimi: Yeni Yaklaşımlar Yeni Yöntemler (trans. Teaching International Relations in Turkey: New Approaches New Methods) İstanbul: Bilgi Universitesi
Canan-Sokullu, E. (der.) (2018) Popülizmle Dönüşen Avrupa ve Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinin Geleceği İstanbul: Bilgesam Yayınları
Canan-Sokullu, E. (2019), “How Blurred is European Public Opinion on Legal versus Illegal Immigrants?” Journal of Contemporary European Research 15(1): 4-20. (Scopus)
Canan-Sokullu, E. S. (2019) “Avrupa'nın "Göçmen Krizi": Avrupalı Ne İster?” Europolitika 3(2): 5-13.
Book Chapters
Canan-Sokullu, E. “İnönü ve Koalisyon Hükümetleri Dönemi Dış Politikası Kriz ve Yönetim” (forthcoming from Türk Tarih Vakfı Yayınları)
Klingemann, H. D. and E. Canan-Sokullu “Germany-Italy” in van Beek, U. (Ed.) Democracy under Pressure: Resilience versus Retreat (forthcoming)
Canan-Sokullu “Varieties of Turkish democracy: A progress in reverse” in van Beek, U. (Ed.) Democracy under Pressure: Resilience versus Retreat
Canan-Sokullu, E. (2020) “Introduction: Turkey in Transition” in Turkey in Transition: Politics, Society and Foreign Policy E. Canan-Sokullu (ed) Berlin: Peter Lang pp: 9-18.
Canan-Sokullu, E. (2020) “Transformation in Foreign and Security Policy in the AKP Era: Realpolitik Codes versus Instrumental Soft-Power” in Turkey in Transition: Politics, Society and Foreign Policy Canan-Sokullu, E. (ed) Berlin: Peter Lang, pp: 175-192.
Canan-Sokullu, E. (2018) “İtalya” in Sayarı, S. and Bilgin H. (eds) Karşılaştırmalı Siyaset: Ülke İncelemeleri, İstanbul: Bilgi Universitesi
Canan-Sokullu, E. (2018) “İtalyan Siyaseti, Popülizm ve Beş Yıldız Hareketi” in Canan-Sokullu, E. (ed.) Popülizmle Dönüşen Avrupa ve Türkiye-AB İlişkileri İstanbul: Bilgesam Yayınları, ss: 15-39.
Canan-Sokullu, E.(2018) “Giriş: Üniversitede Dönüşüm ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Eğitimi” in Canan-Sokullu, E. (ed.) Türkiye’de Uluslararası İlişkiler Eğitimi: Yeni Yaklaşımlar Yeni Yöntemler İstanbul: Bilgi Universitesi
Canan-Sokullu, E. ve Tuğtan, (2018) M. A “Uzaktan Eğitim Modeli ile Uluslararası İlişkileri Öğretmek” in Canan-Sokullu, E. (ed.) Türkiye’de Uluslararası İlişkiler Eğitimi: Yeni Yaklaşımlar Yeni Yöntemler İstanbul: Bilgi Universitesi
Kentmen-Çin, Ç. and Canan-Sokullu, (2018) E. “Uluslararası İlişkiler Öğrencisinin Sayılardan Korkusu ve Bu Korkuyu Aşmanın Yolları” in Canan-Sokullu, E. (ed.) Türkiye’de Uluslararası İlişkiler Eğitimi: Yeni Yaklaşımlar Yeni Yöntemler İstanbul: Bilgi Universitesi
International and National Conference Proceedings and Presentation
Canan-Sokullu, E. “Crisis management and public communication of International Organizations during Covid-19” UNITAR Virtual Roundtable Discussions Covid-19 Crisis Management: Practical Experiences from Europe and Africa”, https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3ytqR9FHQtexmVtT9lgWUw 23 April 2020
Canan-Sokullu, E. “Global Health Governance: Quo Vadis?” BAU Online Academy Webinar, http://baugo.adobeconnect.bauonlineacademy, 28 April 2020
Kadioglu, B. and Canan-Sokullu, E. “Transatlantic relations and European identity: An Analysis of European public opinion on economic and security cooperation between the EU and the US” 6th Annual Empirical Studies in Political Analysis Workshop, 2020, January 23-24, Adana (full paper available)
Canan-Sokullu, E. “Is good learning really about participation and engagement? Lessons from a Public Opinion and Foreign Policy Classroom” MPSA Conference, Chicago, Il, USA, 16-19 April 2020 (suspended due to Covid-19 pandemic)
Canan-Sokullu, E. and H. Öztürk “Economic voting and the rise of populism at times of economic crisis: A comparison of Spain, Italy, Greece and Turkey” MPSA Conference, Chicago, Il, USA, 16-19 April 2020 (suspended due to Covid-19 pandemic)
Canan-Sokullu, E. “Why “Methods Anxiety”? An analysis of attitudes towards teaching and learning methodology in IR classroom” paper presented at 60th ISA Conference 2019 Toronto, “Re-visioning International Studies: Innovation and Progress” March 27-30, 2019 (full paper available)
Canan-Sokullu, E. “An Overview of Methodology of IR Studies in Turkey: A Quantitative Turn?” paper presented at 60th ISA Conference 2019 Toronto, “Re-visioning International Studies: Innovation and Progress” March 27-30, 2019 (invited talk)
Canan-Sokullu, E. “Birleşmiş Milletler’in Barışı Koruma Rolü” presented at BM Lions Günü Uluslararası İlişkilerde Barış Paneli, Bahçeşehir University, March 12, 2019 (invited talk)
Canan-Sokullu, E. “An analysis of attitudes towards teaching and learning quantitative courses in IR classroom” 5th Annual Empirical Studies in Political Analysis Workshop, 2019, January 14-17, Adana (full paper available)
Canan-Sokullu, E. “Türkiye’nin AB Üyeliği, AP Seçimlerinde Yükselen Populizm: Seçmen ne ister?” Avrupa Parlamentosu Seçimleri ve Türkiye Raporu Sonrası Değerlendirme: Yeni Dönemde AB ve AB ile İlişkiler Paneli, İktisadi Kalkınma Vakfı, 30 Mayıs 2019
Canan-Sokullu, E. “Türkiye’de Uİ Disiplininde Metod Tartışmalarında Tarihi Arka Plan” 100’üncü Yılında Uluslararası İlişkiler Öğretisi Çalıştayı GPoT, UİK, Tarih Vakfı Etkinliği, İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi 24 Mayıs 2019.
Canan-Sokullu, E. “Avrupa Kamuoyu Gözünden Türkiye’nin Üyelik Perspektif” presented at 13. Boğaziçi Buluşmaları “Türkiye-AB İlişkilerini Gözden Geçirmek: Kaçırılan Fırsatlar ve Gelecek Önerileri Konferansı, Center for European Studies, Boğaziçi University, May 5, 2019 (full paper available)
Canan-Sokullu, E. “Avrupa’da Göçmenlerin Statüleri ve Göçmenlere Yönelik Tutumlar” presented at PSIR Talks, Yeditepe University, April 17, 2019 (full paper available)
Canan-Sokullu, E. “An analysis of attitudes towards teaching and learning quantitative courses in IR classroom” 5th Annual Empirical Studies in Political Analysis Workshop, 2019, January 14-17, Adana (full paper available)
Canan-Sokullu E. “An overview of Black Sea studies in Turkish IR literature” EU-STRAT Conference “Diverging Lines: Dialogue and cooperation in research on the Eastern Black Sea region” Boğaziçi University & University of St.Gallen, June 8, 2018
Canan-Sokullu, E. ve Z. Tüzen, “Uluslararası İlişkiler Çalışmalarında Kavramların Yaşam Eğrileri: İslamofobi Örneği” Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi, 3-6 Mayıs 2018, Side/Antalya (full paper available)
Canan-Sokullu, E. ve Ç. Kentmen-Çin “Uİ Öğrencisi ve Matematik Korkusu: Ampirik bir İnceleme” Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi, 3-6 Mayıs 2018, Side/Antalya (full paper available)
Canan-Sokullu, E. “Higher Education and sustainable development” UNDP Istanbul Development Dialogue Meeting, İstanbul, 3-4 April 2018
Canan-Sokullu, E. “2017 German Elections and the Rise of AfD” Europolitika-Friedrich Naumann Foundation Panel on European Politics 2017 German Federal Elections & The Future of Turkey-EU Relations, 3 March 2018
Canan-Sokullu, E. “Understanding European Public Opinion on Legal versus Illegal Immigration and Potential Implications for Refugee Migration” 4th Annual Empirical Studies in Political Analysis Workshop, 2018, January 24-26, Gaziantep full paper available)
Other Publications
Canan-Sokullu, E. “Lambadaki Cin ve Britanyalılar: Eğer, Neden, Nasıl Brexit?” Panorama, Ocak 21, 2020, https://www.uikpanorama.com/blog/2020/01/21/lambadaki-cin-ve-britanyalilar-eger-neden-nasil-brexit/
Canan-Sokullu, Ebru, “Mülteciler ve Güvenlik”, Güvenlik Yazıları Serisi, No.30, Ekim 2019. https://trguvenlikportali.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/MultecilerveGuvenlik_EbruCananSokullu_v.1.pdf DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18465.35680
Canan-Sokullu, Ebru, “Savaş Türleri”, Güvenlik Yazıları Serisi, No.22, Ekim 2019. https://trguvenlikportali.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/SavasTurleri_EbruCananSokullu_v.1.pdf DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31310.41283
Canan Sokullu, Ebru, “Transatlantik İlişkiler”, Güvenlik Yazıları Serisi, No.11, Ekim 2019. https://trguvenlikportali.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/TransatlantikIliskiler_EbruCananSokullu_v.1.pdf DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24479.10405
Prof. Dr. Yılmaz ESMER
Esmer, Y. (2022). Culture, Politics, Ideology and Reproductive Health in Turkey. Berlin, Germany: Peter Lang Verlag.
Huber-Krum, S., Rohr, J., Kurutas, S., Karadon, D., Baykal, S. S., Okcuoglu, B. A., Esmer, Y., Canning, D., & Shah, I. (2021). Does cosmopolitan culture weaken ethnic and regional diversity: Contraceptive behaviors of women in Istanbul, Turkey. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care: The Official Journal of the European Society of Contraception, 1–7. Advance online publication
Karadon, D., Esmer, Y., Okcuoglu, B. A., Kurutas, S., Baykal, S. S., Huber-Krum, S., Canning, D., & Shah, I. (2021). Understanding family planning decision-making: Perspectives of providers and community stakeholders from Istanbul, Turkey. BMC Women’s Health, 21(1), 357.
Esmer, Y. Okçuoğlu, “Dimensions of Political Representation: Ideological and Policy Congruence between the Representative and the Represented in Seven Countries” Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung, 2018, Vol 43, no 4, 300-340.
Book Chapters
Esmer, Y. (2022), Cultural Values, Reproductive Health and Family Planning: The Turkish Case. In Esmer, Yilmaz (Ed.), Culture, Politics, Ideology and Reproductive Health in Turkey: Findings from the Field (pp.23-40), Berlin: Peter Lang.
Esmer, Y. (2022), Populism and Religion: Effects of Religious Affiliation on Populist Attitudes. In Luijkx, Ruud; Reeskens, Tim; Sieben, Inge (Eds.), Reflections on European Values: Honouring Loek Halman’s Contribution to the European Values Study. Open Press TiU. Retrieved from https://openpresstiu.pubpub.org/pub/0kye75ni
Esmer, Y. Karadon, D. Baykal, S. (2020) “Political Culture: Torn between Two Civilizations” in Turkey in Transition: Politics, Society and Foreign Policy E. Canan-Sokullu (ed) Berlin: Peter Lang
Esmer, Y. Okçuoğlu, A. Kurutaş, S. (2020) “Electoral Behavior: Urban Myths versus Realities” in Turkey in Transition: Politics, Society and Foreign Policy E. Canan-Sokullu (ed) Berlin: Peter Lang
Prof. Dr. Selcen Öner
Books and Book Chapters
Öner, S., “Turkey and the EU Relations in Transition”, in E. Canan Sokullu (Ed.), Turkey in Transition: Politics, Society and Foreign Policy, Berlin: Peter Lang Pub., 2020.
Öner, S. and M. G. Özerim, “What Makes Turkey and Turkish Immigrants a Cultural Polarization Issue in Europe?: Evidences from the European Populist Politics”, in C. Norocel et al. (Eds.), Hope and Nostalgia at the Intersection between Culture and Welfare, Springer, 2020.
Öner, S. , “Avrupa’da Yükselen Popülizm ve Radikal Sağ: Avusturya Örneği”, Ebru Canan Sokullu (Ed.), Popülizmle Dönüşen Avrupa ve Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinin Geleceği, İstanbul: Bilgesam Yay., 2018.
Öner, S., “Turkey as a Strategic Partner of the EU during the Refugee Crisis: The Challenges and Prospects”, Timofey Agarin and Nevena Nancheva (Eds), A European Crisis: Perspectives on Refugees, Solidarity and Europe, Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag Pub., 2018.
Öner, S. and Mattia Cirino, “Externalisation of EU Borders through Cooperation with Libya: Italy as a Gateway to the European Dream”, International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies, Vol.14. No2.,2021.
Öner, S. and Mattia Cirino, “The Perceptions of Political and Civil Society Actors on Securitisation of Sea Rescue NGOs in the Mediterranean: The Case of Italy”, The Journal of North African Studies, October 2021, https://doi.org/10.1080/13629387.2021.1989586.
Öner, S., “Europe of Populist Radical Right and the Case of Lega of Salvini: Pioneer of a Parochial Europe?”, European Politics and Society, 2020. Doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/23745118.2020.1842700
Öner, S. , “Growing Fusion of Populism and Euroscepticism in Italy: A Comparative Analysis of the League and the Five Star Movement”, Tripodos, No.49, December 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.51698/tripodos.2020.49
Öner, S., “The Relations between Catalonia and the EU and Catalan Independence Referendum”, Marmara Journal of European Studies, Vol.27, No.1, 2019.
Book Review
Öner, S., Book review of “Catholics and Communists in Twentieth Century Italy: Between Conflict and Dialogue”, written by Daniela Saresella, published in 2019 by Bloomsbury Pub.Mediterranean Studies, forthcoming fall 2020.
International and National Conference Proceedings and Presentation
Öner, S., Marmara Conference on European Studies 2020, 7-8 February 2020, İstanbul. Presentation on “Rising Fusion of Populism and Euroscepticism in Europe: The Case of the League”.
Öner, S., Conference on European Elections: Populism and Euroscepticism, 20-22 November 2019, Valencia University, Spain. Presentation on “Rising Fusion on Populism and Euroscepticism in Europe: The Case of Italy”.
Öner, S., Marmara University Department of Political Science, International Workshop on “Contending Issues of Global Governance: Crisis of Legitimacy”, 24 October 2019, İstanbul. Presentation on “The Europe of Populists: The Case of The League of Salvini as the Pioneer of ‘Parochial Europe’”.
Öner, S., TUGFOSS (Turkish-German Frontiers of Social Science Symposium) , Potsdam, 27-30 September 2018. Presentation on “The Refugee Crisis and Rise of Radical Right in European Politics”.
Assoc. Prof. Esra Albayrakoğlu
Books and Book Chapters
E. Pakin Albayrakoğlu; İ. Ermağan (Ed.), Dünya Siyasetinde Afrika 7 (“Türkiye ve Cezayir”), 4. Bölüm, Ankara, Nobel, 2021
E. Pakin Albayrakoğlu; E. Canan-Sokullu (Ed), Turkey in Transition: Politics, Society and Foreign Policy (“Turkey in Africa: From Aid to Arms”), Peter Lang, 2020.
E. Pakin Albayrakoğlu; R. Yılmaz and G. Löschnigg (eds.), Studies on Balkan and Near Eastern Social Sciences: Volume 4 (“EU’s Performance in Conflict Resolution: From FYROM to North Macedonia”), Peter Lang, 2020.
E. Pakin Albayrakoğlu; T. Sakman, A. Yılmaz ve U. Çiçek (der.), Yeni Güvenlik Ekosistemi ve Çok Taraflı Bedeli/ New Security System and Multilateral Cost (“The Saudi Impact on Africa”), 229-239, İstanbul, TASAM, 2018
E. Pakin Albayrakoğlu, “Out and Proud in the Field: Eco-Queers in Climate Adaptation,” Peace Review, 34(1): 51-63, 2022
E. Pakin Albayrakoğlu ve M. Hakan Özaydın, “Türkiye’de Değişen Güvenlik Algıları ve Dönüşen Savunma Sanayi,” Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies, 12(22): 18-37, Ocak 2021
Assoc. Prof. Hande Paker
Books and Book Chapters
Paker, H. Politicizing the environment: the ecological crisis of Turkey’ (2020), Canan-Sokullu, E. (der) Turkey in transition: Politics, society, and foreign policy içinde, Berlin: Peter Lang.
Paker, H. ‘Factors that shape the labor force participation decision of educated women in Turkey: Gendered preferences and practices’ (2020), (Gökçe Uysal ile birliket), Nuroğlu and Çatak (der.), The Role of Women in Turkish Economy: Current Situation, Problems and Policies içinde, Peter Lang.
Paker, H. ‘Contesting the ‘Third Bridge’ in Istanbul: local environmentalism, cosmopolitan attachments?’(2018), Fisher Onar, Pearce, and Keyman (der.), Istanbul: Living with Difference in a Global City içinde, Rutgers University Press, 2018.
Other Publications
Williams, D. S., Balaban, O., Ilhan, A., Paker, H., Şahin, Ü., Yıldırım, B. S., ... & Olazabal, M. (2022). A policy content analysis for evaluating urban adaptation justice in İstanbul. Environmental Science & Policy, 136, 476-485.
Paker, H., 2021, Arts and Culture for Ecological Transformation, Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts, https://www.iksv.org/i/content/16512_1_Arts-and-Culture-for-Ecological-Transformation_2021.pdf
Paker, H. ‘Practicing co-existence in civil society: Syrian refugees in Turkey’, Istanbul Policy Center, Haziran 2019.
Paker, H. ‘Promises and challenges of diversity: The role of civil society initiatives in fostering pluralism’, Feyzi Baban, Fuat Keyman, Kim Rygiel ile beraber, Istanbul Policy Center, Ekim 2018.
Paker, H. ‘Syrians in Turkey’, G. Cloeters, S. Osserian, K. Biehl, W. Hochberger, E. Üçkardeşler ile beraber, Istanbul Policy Center, Eylül 2018.
Assoc. Prof. Rahime Süleymanoğlu Kürüm
Books and Book Chapters
Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime, and Aikande Clement Kway (2022) "Assessment of Good Governance and Gender Equality in the EU’s Budgetary Support Programme in Tanzania: Insights from Agriculture Sector." EU Good Governance Promotion in the Age of Democratic Decline. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 157-180.
Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime and Cin, F. Melis. (2021). Towards a Feminist Theory of Europeanisation: Gender Equality Policies in Turkey and the EU, Palgrave Macmillan, Gender and Politics Series.
Cin, F. M., Doğan, N., Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, R., & Cin, M. M. (2021). Capturing epistemic responsibility and resistance: Challenging intercommunal conflict through photovoice. In Post-Conflict Participatory Arts (pp. 117-134). Routledge.
Cin, F. Melis and Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime (2020) Participatory Video as a Tool for Cultivating Political and Feminist Capabilities of Women in Turkey. In: Participatory research, capabilities and epistemic justice, M. Walker, A. Boni (eds). Palgrave Macmillan. (In Press),
Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime (2018). Conditionality, Turkey and EU: From Transformation to Retrenchment, London and New York: Routledge, Critical European Series.
Rumelili, Bahar and Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime (2018) Women and Gender in Turkish Diplomacy: Historical Legacies and Current Patterns; in Gendering Diplomacy and International Negotiation, edited by Ann Towns and Karin Aggestam, Basignstoke, Palgrave Macmillan (with first author Bahar Rumelili)
Rumelili, Bahar and Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime (2022) From Female Masculinity to Hegemonic Femininity: Evolving Gender Performances of Turkish Women Diplomats. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 1(aop), 1-30.
Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime (2020) The Sociology of Diplomats and Foreign Policy Sector: The Role of Cliques on the Policy-Making Process, Political Studies Review, https://doi.org/10.1177/1478929920901954 (SSCI-Impact Factor: 1,280).
Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime (2019) Role Theory, the European Union and Turkey’s Regional Foreign Policy, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Yıl:18 Sayı:35 Bahar 2019/1 s.681-700 (ULAKBİM)
Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime and Rumelili, Bahar (2018) ‘Diplomaside Kadın ve Egemen Maskülenlik: Değişen Normlar ve Pratikler’ (Women and Gender in Diplomacy: Changing Norms and Practices), Uluslararası İlişkiler, Cilt 15, No. 57, pp. 3-18 (SSCI-Impact Factor: 0,098)
International and National Conference Proceedings and Presentation
Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime 'From Capacity to Implementation: Women's Participation in Education and Political Processes' (with Melis Cin), UACES 48th Annual Conference, Bath, UK, 2-5 September 2018.
Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime Roundtable: ‘Conditionality, the EU and Turkey: From Transformation to Retrechment’ (book launch), PSA 69th Annual Conference on ‘(Un)Sustainable Politics in a Changing World’, 15-17 April 2019.
Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime ‘Changing Nature and Norms in Turkish Diplomacy: A Gender-Based Analysis’ (together with Bahar Rumelili’, PSA 69th Annual Conference on ‘(Un)Sustainable Politics in a Changing World’, 15-17 April 2019.
Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime ‘Perception of the West and Turkey’s Emerging Links to Latin America, Africa and Asia’, Yeditepe University International Tricontinental Conference: Populism in Latin America, Africa and Asia, 13-15 May 2019.
Rahime Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Perception of the West and Turkey's Emerging Links to Latin America, Africa and Asia, International Tricontinental Conference 2019: Populism in Latin America, Africa and Asia, 13-15 Mayıs 2019. https://tricontinental.yeditepe.edu.tr/e-book-abstracts?fbclid=IwAR2AYebN2xUiNW3dnEcITZCy6f12Aswi8Fko3zfCbnLGjMXzXIcWBiFgbMA
Ebru Turhan ve Rahime Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Akademik Perspektiften AB-Türkiye İlişkileri: Kuramsal, Yöntemsel ve Tematik Dönüşüm, Marmara Avrupa Çalışmaları Kongresi, 7-8 Şubat 2020, Larespark Otel, Taksim,
Assoc. Prof. Arda Can Kumbaracıbaşı
Books and Book Chapters
Kumbaracıbaşı, Arda Can “Turkish Democracy and a Radical System Shift?” in Turkey in Transition - Edited by Ebru Canan Sokullu, (Peter Lang, Berlin, 2020)
Kumbaracıbaşı, Arda Can “Theories of Coalition Government Formation and Party Politics in Turkey” in Party Politics in Turkey: a Comparative Perspective - Edited by Sabri Sayarı, Pelin Ayan Musil, Özhan Demirkol (Book Chapter – Routledge, London, 2018, Isbn 9781138207547, doi: 10.4324/9781315461892)
Kumbaracıbaşı, Arda Can “Models of Party Institutionalization and Problems of Democratic Consolidation” (Article published online 08.11.2018 – Mediterranean Politics, doi: 10.1080/13629395.2018.1537102)
Kumbaracıbaşı, Arda Can “Analyzing Party Positions and Electoral Dynamics in Turkey” (Article accepted and waiting publication - International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies, Vol 7, No. 2, September 2019)
Asst. Prof. Damla Bayraktar Aksel
Books and Book Chapters
Aksel, Damla (forthcoming) “Turkey’s Diaspora Engagement Policies: Past and Present”, Banu Şenay & Ayça Arkılıç (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Turkey’s Diasporas, Routledge.
Aksel, Damla (forthcoming) “Diaspora Diplomacy as Foreign Policy: The Case of Turkey”, Hamoon Khelghat-Dost and Nergiz Özkural Köroğlu (Eds.), Turkey within the Global Politics of the 21st Century, Lexington.
İçduygu, Aksel & Damla B. Aksel (2022) “Vulnerable Permanency in Mass Influx: The Case of Syrians in Turkey”, Erol Balkan and Zumray Kutlu-Tonak (Eds.), Refugees on the Move: Global Refugee Crisis and Local Refugee Lives, Berghahn Books.
Aksel, Damla B. (2022) “Sivil Toplum ve Göç”, Aysun Öcal (Ed.), Göç Politikalarına Disiplinler Arası Bir Bakış, Detay Yayıncılık.
İçduygu, Aksel & Damla B. Aksel (2021) “Turkey’s Response to Refugees: Past and Present”, in Joost Jongerden (Ed.), Routledge Handbook on Contemporary Turkey, Routledge.
Aksel, Damla B. (2020). Book Review: Altan‐Olcay, Özlem, and Evren Balta (2020) The American Passport in Turkey: National Citizenship in the Age of Transnationalism. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 214 pp.
Aksel, Damla B. (2019) Home States and Homeland Politics: Interactions between the Turkish State and its Emigrants in France and the United States, Routledge.
Turper Alışık, Sedef, Damla B. Aksel et al. (2019) “Seasonal Labor Migration Among Syrian Refugees and Urban Deep Map for Integration in Turkey”, in Albert Ali Salah, Alex Pentland, Bruno Lepri and Emmanuel Letouze (Eds.), Guide to Mobile Data Analytics in Refugee Scenarios, Springer.
International and National Conference Proceedings and Presentation
Aksel, Damla B. June 10, 2019. Democratic Participation of Diaspora. Diaspora Forum of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Istanbul.
Aksel, Damla B. July 3, 2018. International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion (IMISCOE) Conference: Borders and the experiences of refugees and asylum seekers in the European Union: Insights from Turkey. Barcelona.
Aksel, Damla B. October 10-11, 2018. Conference on International Migration in the 21st Century: “Politicization of Diaspora Engagement Policies”. Yeditepe University, Istanbul
Aksel, Damla B. September 15, 2018. Between Rapprochement and Rejection: Identity and Culture Drivers in the Europe-Turkey Relations, PhD Workshop organized as part of the H2020 Project FEUTURE, Koc University.
Other Publications
Aksel, Damla (2022). “Diaspora Engagement Policies as Transnational Social Engineering”, Middle East Critique, 1-15, https://doi.org/10.1080/19436149.2022.2127631.
Aksel, Damla B. & Büke Boşnak (2022) “Sivil Toplum ve Göç Çalışmalarında Köprüler Kurmak: Türkiye Örneği”, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 21 (Özel Sayı): 159-182.
Aksel, Damla B. (2022) “Ulaşılması Zor, Saklı ve Kırılgan Topluluklarla Araştırma Yapmak”, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 51, 379-393.
Aksel, Damla B. (2022) “Ülke içinde hareket ve ülkeden çıkma hakkını yeniden düşünmek: Normatif bir inceleme”, Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 21(1): 303-315.
Aksel, Damla B. & İçduygu, Ahmet (2019) Borders and the Mobility of Migrants in Turkey. In: CEASEVAL RESEARCH ON THE COMMON EUROPEAN ASYLUM SYSTEM (32). Online available at: http://ceaseval.eu/publications
Aksel, Damla B. & İçduygu, Ahmet (2018) National Report on Turkey: Patterns of Politicization on Refugees and Policy Responses. In: CEASEVAL RESEARCH ON THE COMMON EUROPEAN ASYLUM SYSTEM (10). Online available at: http://ceaseval.eu/publications
İçduygu, Ahmet & Damla B. Aksel (2018) Turkey and International Migration, 2017-2018, Report Prepared for The Annual Meeting of the OECD Expert Group on Migration, Paris, October 29-31th 2018: Istanbul.
Asst. Prof. Zekeriya Tüzen
Books and Book Chapters
Tüzen, Z. (2022), “İslamofobi Nedir?”, Karakoç, J. Genç, H. Deniz. (Der.), 50 Soruda Türkiye’nin Göç Politikaları, (341 – 347), İstanbul: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
Tüzen, Z. (2020), “Turkish Secularism and Challenges of Transformation” in Turkey in Transition: Politics, Society and Foreign Policy, E. Canan Sokullu (eds) Berlin: Peter Lang.
Tüzen, Z. and Genç. D. (in progress), “Brexit and Xenophobia: A Retreat of British Multiculturalism?”
International and National Conference Proceedings and Presentation
Tüzen, Z. and Genç. D. (2020), “Brexit and Xenophobia: A Retreat of British Multiculturalism?”, MCES – 2020 (Debating Europe: Past, Present and Future), 7-8 Şubat, İstanbul.
Tüzen, Z. ve Canan-Sokullu, E. (2018), “Uluslararası İlişkiler Çalışmalarında Kavramların Yaşam Eğrileri: İslamofobi Örneği”, Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi, 3-6 Mayıs, Side/Antalya.
Dr. Yasemin Bilgel
Books and Book Chapters
Bilgel, Y. (2020) “Turkey’s Activism in the Middle East: The Role of Structural Factors”, ss. 193-208, Turkey in Transition: Politics, Society and Foreign Policy, editör Ebru Canan Sokullu, Berlin: Peter Lang.
Dr. Res. Asst. Çağkan Ubay
Books and Book Chapters
Ubay, Ç. (2020) “Popular Culture: Resurrection of Ottoman Nostalgia”, in E. Canan Sokullu (Ed.), Turkey in Transition: Politics, Society and Foreign Policy, Berlin: Peter Lang.
International and National Conference Proceedings and Presentation
Ubay, Ç. (2022) ‘Türk Popüler Kültürü: Osmanlı Nostaljisinin Dirilişi’ IX. Uluslararası İlişkiler Çalışmaları ve Eğitimi Kongresi, Mersin, 26-29 Mayıs 2022.
Res. Asst. Atakan Yılmaz
Articles and Book Chapters
Yılmaz, A. & Savaş, C. (forthcoming) "French and Turkish Representations of the Mediterranean: Artificial Intelligence Based Content Analysis", Uluslararası İlişkiler.
Yılmaz, A. (forthcoming) Gevşek Federal Sistemin İki Farklı Pratiği: Kanada Ve İsviçre’nin Siyasal Sitemlerinin Karşılaştırmalı Analizi.
International and National Conference Proceedings and Presentation
Yılmaz, A, & Canan-Sokullu, E and Karkar, M.M., (2022) “Forgetting or Demonizing the “Other”? Testing the Covid-19’s impacts on attitudes towards refugees in Turkey”, International Studies Association Annual Convention, 28 March-2 April 2022
Yılmaz, A, & Canan-Sokullu, E and Karkar, M.M., (2022) “Democracy Approach to Refugee Integration: The Case of Turkish Attitudes towards Refugees”, International Studies Association Annual Convention, 28 March-2 April 2022
Yılmaz, A& Eldem, A.E. and Yayla Eldem, D.. (2022) “1923-1952 Arası Dönemde Türk Dış Politikasının Bir Aracı olarak Silah Ticareti (Arms Trade as a Tool of Turkish Foreign Policy in the Period Between 1923-1952)”, Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Dokuzuncu Uluslararası İlişkiler Çalışmaları ve Eğitimi Kongresi, 26-29 May 2022
Yılmaz, A, & Canan-Sokullu, E and Karkar, M.M, (2022) “Covid-19'un Türkiye'deki Mültecilere Yönelik Tutumlar Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Analizi” (Analysis of the Effects of Covid-19 on Attitudes Towards Refugees in Turkey), Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Dokuzuncu Uluslararası İlişkiler Çalışmaları ve Eğitimi Kongresi, 26-29 May 2022
Yılmaz, A. &Savaş, C. İ. and Eldem, A. E. (2018) “Türkiye’de Latin Amerika Çalışmaları: Uluslararası İlişkilerin ‘Uzak Batısı” (Latin American Studies in Turkey: Extra Occident of International Relations), Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Sekizinci Uluslararası İlişkiler Çalışmaları ve Eğitimi Kongresi 3-6 May 2018
Yılmaz, A. Savaş, C. İ. (2018) New Diplomacy Debates and Turkey in the Age of Cyber Attack), ALKÜSAM Türk Dış Politikası ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Kongresi, 15-17 Kasım 2018.