Course Contents
FTR5001 Special Assessment Methods in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (2.0.2)
Principles for assessment and measurement in physiotherapy and rehabilitation, and basic principles of exercise testing, flexibility tests and principles, assessment principles and testing the range of motions, muscle strength, muscle strength in infants, endurance, and assessment and testing of cardiovascular endurance, and sports performance testing and physical assessment.
FTR5003 Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation (2.2.3)
General and detailed assessment methods in muscle-skeleton disorders, special treatment options in rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, traumas, rheumatic and orthopaedic disorders, exercise therapy and electrotherapy modalities in certain disorders, approaches for treatment of joint-related problems and orthesis - prothesis practices.
FTR5005 Pediatric Physiotherapy Rehabilitation (2.2.3)
Assessment methods and treatment practices in physiotherapy and rehabilitation of neurological, orthopaedic, congenital and rheumatic pediatric disorders, and common problems in pediatric physiotherapy and rehabilitation, and knowledge and practices about treatment modalities.
FTR5007 Geriatric Rehabilitation (2.2.3)
Biology of aging, the effects of aging on body systems, the effects of exercises on aging and exercise methods for elderly, changes associated with aging and assessment of these changes, principles of healthy aging, exercise and education, exercise for healthy and handicapped older people and designing safe environment for elderly.
FTR5009 Assessment in Patient with Pain (2.0.2)
Pain perception, neurophysiology of pain, assessment of patients with pain, the role of physiotherapy in pain management, physiotherapeutic methods in pain management, multidisciplinary approaches in pain management, the physiopathology of acute pain, complex pain syndromes and management of post-operative pain management.
FTR5011 Respiratory System Disorders (2.0.2)
Assessment methods in people with respiratory disorders, physiological response to exercise in respiratory diseases and treatment modalities, obstructive and restrictive pulmonary diseases, acute respiratory distress syndrome, asthma, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, chest wall disorders, systemic and traumatic pulmonary disorders and pulmonary infections.
FTR5013 Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Neuromuscular Disorders (2.2.3)
Definition and classification of neuromuscular diseases, lower limp neuron disorders, clinical types, upper limp neuron disorders and functional disorders, aims of physiotherapy and rehabilitation in neuromuscular disorders, assessment methods, planning process and implementation of physiotherapy and rehabilitation, orthesis, surgical procedures, complications, prevention and education.
FTR5015 Advanced Exercise Physiology (2.0.2)
Cardiovascular system and exercises, cardiovascular regulation and integration, the effects of aerobic and anaerobic training on body systems, factors associated with maximal aerobic strength, pulmonary system and exercise-breathing control, muscle-skeleton and exercise, membrane and muscle action potential, physiology of neuron, synaptic transmission, excitation - inhibition, neural control, exercise and endocrine system, mechanic and dynamic characteristics of soft tissues and the effects of stretching exercises on myofibriles.
FTR5017 Orthopedic Disorders (2.0.2)
Common orthopaedic diseases, congenital orthopaedic disorders, joint disorders, bone-related disorders, muscle, tendon and soft tissue-related disorders, the impact of traumas on bones, joints and soft tissues, the occurrence of deformities and orthopaedic treatment methods.
FTR5002 Advanced Treatment Exercises (2.2.3)
Methods of exercise for treatment purposes, assessment of endurance and performance related problems and basics of treatment, assessment of patients with problems associated with mobilisation and balance and the treatment of problems associated with mobilisation and balance, post-operative treatment approaches, exercises in arthritis, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. It will cover the pulmonary assessment methods, exercise in patients with pulmonary disorders, assessment of scoliosis patients, exercises for scoliosis patients, and regional exercises.
FTR5004 Specific Mobilisation and Manipulation Techniques (2.0.2)
Basics of manipulation therapy, anatomy and physiology of intervertebral discs, mechanical disorders, biomechanics and pathology in biomechanics, vertebral mobilization and reflexes, mechanic and physiologic effects occurring manual therapy and principles the deciding for proper manual therapy techniques. It will cover the assessment of patients who need manual therapy, criteria for choosing the proper manuel therapy techniques and mobilization and manipulation practices in the clinical field.
FTR5006 Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Intensive Care (2.2.3)
Importance of hemodynamic monitoring in patients treated at the intensive care units, patient positioning and mobilisation, prevention of pressure ulcers and pulmonary problems and inactivity associated with diseases and treatment at the intensive care unit, and prevention of complication due to hospitalization in the intensive care unit.
FTR5008 Assessment in Cardiac Rehabilitation (2.2.3)
Assessment of patients with cardiovascular disorders, assessment of vital signs in cardiovascular disorders, mobilisation, physical activity level, exercise capacity and assessment of quality of life of patients with cardiovascular disorders.
FTR5010 Assessment in Pulmonary Rehabilitation (2.2.3)
Assessment of patients with pulmonary disorders, and clinical laboratory findings, pulmonary function tests, arterial blood gases, mobilisation, physical activity level, exercise capacity and assessment of quality of life of patients with pulmonary disorders.
FTR5012 Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Cerebrovascular Diseases (2.2.3)
Perceptual and motor functions in hemiplegia, complications and the physiotherapy and rehabilitation in hemiplegic patients, neurological treatment modalities in hemiplegic patients, upper limp functions and rehabilitation of upper limp disfunctions, gait and balance problems and rehabilitation, assistive devices, daily living activities and practices for improving quality of life.
FTR5014 Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Rheumatic Diseases (2.0.2)
Assessment of needs for rehabilitation, assessment and diagnostic methods, basic physical therapy and electrotherapy modalities, combination of medicines with exercise for the treatment of rheumatic diseases. It will cover knowledge and discussions about deformities, contractures and muscle weaknesses which are common in certain rheumatic diseases.
FTR5016 Advanced Neurophysiology (2.0.2)
Anatomy and physiology or nervous system, biology of neurons and neuroglia, receptors, muscle activity, spinal cord, medulla oblongata, pons, cerebellum, midbrain, cerebrum and cerebral hemispheres, structure of cerebral cortex and functional localization, reticular formation, limbic system, ventricular system and cerebrospinal system, the association between brain structures and functions, ascending and descending spinal cord tracts, physiology of muscle activity, cerebellum, cranial nuclei, association between thalamus and hypotalamus, autonomic nervous system, cerebral blood flow and meningeal layers.
FTR5018 Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Respiratory System Disorders (2.2.3)
Respiratory system assessment, basic techniques and approaches in pulmonary physiotherapy and rehabilitation, physiotherapy and rehabilitation in pulmonary muscle diseases, obstructive and restrictive pulmonary diseases, and physiotherapy and rehabilitation in intensive care units.