Philosophy of Science
This course gives an indepth analysis of the assumptions, foundations, and implications of science. After an introductory survey of what science is and how to understand the outcomes of science, our course will focus on the main methodological assumptions of modern science, their epistemological foundations, and finally the implications of scientific research and development. Parallel to these discussions, practical case-studies of notorious examples of scientific discoveries and revolutions will foster our theoretical understanding of science.
History of Management Thought
The focus of this course is on a critical and analytical review of the history of management theory. Students are encouraged to compare and contrast existing management theories and perspectives and to examine them in the critical light of practical experience. In addition, through the preparation of literature research papers, students pay attention to the development of dissertation-supporting literature review skills.
Organizational Theory
Last 20 years have witnessed immense changes in the study of organizations with respect to the theoretical frames and research methods. The aim of this course is to map these changes, and to study the effects of these changes on organizations giving special emphasis to corporate actors, processes, technology, culture, governance, power, and politics. Organizational theory has changed into a ?multi? dimensional character since 70?s. In order to overcome the ambiguities, this course aims to study the various components of organizations in both modern and postmodern structure. Students will be required to read a series of articles, and also write reports on these guided readings. The evaluation of the students will be made on these written reports, and also on the preparation of a paper to be published, written on one of the topics studied during the course.
Behavior in Organizational Systems
This course examines the individual behaviours of employees and the group dynamics both individually and as a member of a team. Motivation, leadership, teamwork, political behaviour and communication are some of the topics to be covered in the course.
Sociology of Work
The focus of this course is work: how it developed into its present forms; how it is organized; how individuals experience it; and the social relationships and institutional frameworks so essential for it to occur. By critically examining key concepts, theories and research findings in the sociology of work and industry, the course provides students with a deeper understanding of the dynamics of change and continuity, the basis for cooperation and conflict, and the varieties of human experiences in the world of work.
Work Etudes and Performance Management
An effective Performance Management system is essential to help employees perform at their best and align their contributions with the goals, values, and initiatives of the organization. Performance Management course presents students with a clear model they can follow to plan, monitor, analyze, and maintain a satisfying process of performance improvement for employees. It also illustrates strategies for developing the crucial communication skills of coaching, problem solving, and giving feedback while teaching methods for linking organizational and personal goals.
Strategic Human Resources Management
The main topic discussed in this course are as follows: theoretical developments in the field of Human Resources from a strategic perspective, effecting learning models for the organizations to face competition, to identify, analyse and develop Human Resources and to design strategies and processes for human resources that are the brain and memory of the organizations.
Special Topics in Management and Organization
This course provides doctoral candidates with an in-depth understanding of existing empirical research in contemporary management and organization. The review of the extant literature in a critical manner constitutes the main focus of this course. Candidates are expected to work on the theoretical modelling of an empirical research of their own choice.
Selected Readings in Management and Organization
This course aims to develop academic reading and writing skills in such a way that students are able to write their papers in the field of Management and Organization.
Marketing Thought
The Theory of Marketing course chronicles the evolution of marketing theories and the rationales behind them. It is an academic marketing seminar that focuses on bringing together both academic theory and real world marketing practices. The lack of fundamental theoretical definitions has been one complicating factor in the understanding and, consequently, relations between different functions in companies, especially the departments of product development, marketing and sales. This seminar course is designed to consider major contemporary issues in marketing theory, understand the history and evolution of marketing thought, enhance the ability to conduct scientifically respectable research and to evaluate research in a professional-critical manner.
Marketing Research
In today?s rapidly changing world, obtaining high-quality information about the current marketing environment may determine the success or failure of a business. Research marketers use a variety of methods to collect information about consumers and the marketplace. This course identifies different sources of marketing research data, examines processes for collecting and analyzing research data, and shows how to prepare and present marketing research reports. One of the goals of Marketing Research course is to teach students how to use computers to analyze marketing data.
Analysis of Consumer Behavior Theories
Businesses spend millions of dollars on product research but consumers rank preferences based upon utility or the satisfaction derived from consumption. The principle assumption upon which the theory of consumer behavior and demand is built is: a consumer attempts to allocate his/her limited money income among available goods and services so as to maximize his/her utility (satisfaction).This course attempts to establish the link between product classification and consumer decision theory.
Consumer Culture and Identity
This course is prepared in a way to lay the groundwork for the critical analysis in consumer behaviour. Topics related to social psychology will be examined. Attitude formation through use of marketing strategies and advertising will be examined with a focus on how consumers perceive and integrate information and messages. The purpose of this course is to help students chose their fields of interest and be able to conduct original research projects in related topics and consumer research.
Managerial Perspectives in Marketing
This course provides theories, strategies and tools the students need to develop workable, sustainable solutions to new challenges from a managerial point of view. Regardless of students? involvement in the marketing process or making decisions that affect organizational strategy, this course aims to cover topics such as demand analysis, product/service management, pricing, distribution, promotions and integrated communications.
Theory of Retailing
The retailing industry has undergone revolutionary changes since the Second World War: the rise of large multiple companies, increasing store sizes, new technologies and the internationalization of retailing have all transformed the retailing environment. This comprehensive course traces the evolution and development of the retailing industry from before the Industrial Revolution up to the dramatic changes of the 2000s. This course try to understand Retail Management from a strategic planning perspective; development and implementation of retail strategy from financial, operational, and customer orientation.
Special Topics in Marketing Theory
At the beginning of each semester, two themes will be selected, a literature review of which will become the core content. Students will review the literature, form the research methods, and write articles explaining the hypothesis and the methods used. In some instances, a pilot study might be applicable as a pre-test. Consumer choice models, information search and evaluation processes, attitudes, positioning, segmentation and new improvements in the marketing literature, CRM, integrated marketing communications will be reviewed. This course will be the basis for the doctoral studies.
Advanced Statistics
The purpose of this course is to provide students with a strong background in statistical principles. The emphasis is on attaining a conceptual understanding of these statistical techniques and associated models, selecting appropriate technique(s) for a given research problem, conducting computer-assisted data analyses, and correctly expressing the results of such analyses. The successful student will finish this course with an ability to effectively evaluate and act upon statistical reports and data relating to applications in business. Discussion of issues in research design and philosophy of science will be sprinkled throughout the course.
Multivariate Behavior Analysis
The introduction to multivariate analysis gives an overview of approaches to multivariate data analysis. First, a short module on matrix algebra is scheduled. Then, the course covers multiple regression analysis, analysis of variance and covariance, partial correlation and path analysis, discriminant analysis, factor analysis, and cluster analysis.
Qualitative Research Methods
The assumptions, theories, and practice of qualitative research are introduced. This course will focus upon the use of qualitative methods for research about business. Methods including interviewing, focus groups, participant observation and ethnography will be taught and practiced. The course examines the relationships between the theories and purposes of qualitative and quantitative inquiry. There is considerable focus on practicing selected research skills and the analysis and write-up of the results from these activities.
Accounting Theory
An introduction to accounting theory, accounting research, approaches to the formulation of accounting theory, alternative asset valuation and income determination models, future trends in accounting are examined. The content of this course also includes the conceptual framework for financial accounting and reporting and structure of accounting theory.
Theory of Finance
After gaining a wide perspective on finance theory, portfolio analysis, CAPM, efficient market theory, these concepts will be examined whether these models are applicable to Turkey. Besides, development of new models is another topic of this course.
IFRS and International Reporting
Comparative accounting, harmonization, financial statement analysis in international accounting are in the scope of the course. These issues will be examined in the framework of international financial reporting standards (IFRS). Critical view to standards is another topic oh the course. Topics will be discussed considering to the Turkish Tax Law and the other local regulations.
Strategic Management Accounting
Cost management systems in global competitive environment; total quality management and quality costs; lean thinking and accounting organization; life cycle costing; target tosting; activity based costing; strategic management and cost management
Money and Capital Markets
It is an advanced course covering detailed analysis on the core topics of both money and capital markets. Students are gradually specialized in selected topics of major functions, financial instruments and institutions of money and capital markets.
International Auditing Standards and Reporting
This course includes the topics such as conceptual framework of auditing, independent auditing, internal auditing, under the heading of generally accepted auditing standards general standards, reporting standards, the regulations in Turkey in the area of law related to accounting, capital markets and banking, Enron and the inefficiency of auditing, Sarbaney-Oxley act.
Banking Theory
Banking theories and risk focused management are placed in the first part of this course, then topics such as bank organization, banking regulations, financial institutions, bank credits and credit analysis, the financial statements of a bank, asset and liability management, liquidity and risk management, capital adequacy ratio and measuring and evaluating bank performance will be discussed.
New Topics in Finance
This course includes the topics like value based management, firm valuation, EVA, MVA, restructuring the firms, mergers, acquisitions, rating, behavioral finance.
Selected Topics in Advanced Accounting
The course covers selected topics in financial accounting and reporting in the following areas: business combinations, consolidated financial statements, accounting for parcitipations and also accounting for construction and financial derivatives.
New Topics in International Finance
This course focuses on the background of global finance covering the topics of international financial environment, international monetary system, international financial markets and institutions, foreign exchange markets.
Selected Topics in International Finance
This course focuses on the background of global finance covering the topics of international financial environment, international monetary system, international financial markets and institutions, foreign exchange markets.
New Topics in Accounting
The topics of this course can be summarized as follows: recognition in accounting, intellectual capital, the examination of goodwill from the the international accounting standards, accounting records of consolidation and also the topics of articles currently published by the refereed journals in the area of financial accounting, managerial accounting and auditing.
Ph.D. Dissertation
Students begin to prepare a dissertation proposal under the supervision of a Dissertation Supervisor. Upon completion, the student presents the proposal to a Dissertation Proposal Defence Examining Committee for formal approval to proceed to the dissertation phase. The Ph.D. dissertation has to make an original and substantial contribution to a specific discipline. The students are expected to do independent and individual research which will form the major bulk of their work