GLA5001 World Politics in the Post Cold War Era
The demise of the Soviet Union and its empire, the legacy of colonialism, resurgent nationalism and new non-state actors have given rise to a period of complexity and rapid change in international relations. The academic debate reflects this uncertainty, with contending theories about what constitutes power in the post Cold War environment, how to identify the basic units of international affairs, the nature of globalization, the utility and legitimacy of the use of force, the dynamics of the balance of power, the nature of threats to peace and stability, and the role of international institutions.
GLA5002 International Law
This course provides an introductory understanding of the role of public international law in international affairs. It focuses on an important aspect of the discipline and will reveal how and why international law affects world affairs in a profound way. Among the questions addressed are: How are disputes between states settled and what mechanism does international law provide for their resolution? What are the sources of international law? Who is bound by it? How is it interpreted? The course examines key international legal institutions such as the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Criminal Court (ICC) as well as substantive areas such as use of force, law of the sea, law of territory, human rights, and the global environment.
GLA5501 International Economics
This course provides an introduction to international political economy - the interaction of economics and politics, of markets and government, in the international arena. The course has three fundamental premises: first, economic factors play an important role in international relations; second, the world economy is becoming increasingly integrated and interdependent; third, political institutions and policies have a significant impact on the world economy. The goal of the course is to give students a better understanding of the world economy, the nature of international economic issues, the roles of international economic institutions and multinational enterprises, and the policy challenges of economic interdependence.
GLA5502 Globalization and Business Strategy
This course provides an advanced coverage of the development and transformation of business enterprise within the global economy, by focusing on the business strategy and dynamics of institutional and organizational change resulted from today's globalization process. It includes the effect of structural, institutional, and organizational change upon the strategy of the business enterprises for survival and success in the contemporary hyper-competitive, technology-driven, fast-paced, uncertain environment.
BUS5164 International Business
This course offers and international background of business; comparative cultural, political, legal and economic environments in business world; theories of trade; foreign investment; government influence on trade; international cooperation and agreements; global foreign exchange and capital markets; international business strategy; export-import strategies; and marketing.
BUS5920 Business and Government Relations
This course introduces the participants to the evolving relationship between government and business. It highlights the various dimensions of this complex and at times contradictory relationship from a historical and systematic perspective. More precisely, the course looks at business from a government perspective, looks at from a business perspective, and explores mixed forms of public-private governance in case of state-owned enterprise, as well as newly emerging public-private partnerships.
BUS5103 Strategic Management
This course examines how organizations (both for-profit companies and non-profit agencies) gain sustainable competitive advantages. It integrates knowledge and skills gained from studies in the functional areas of business. It applies a general management of decisions and strategies with reference to the total enterprise. It covers the elements of the strategic management process; analyzing industry structure and environmental trends to assess industry potential; assessing a firm’s resources for their potential to generate a competitive advantage; introduction to the internet economy.
GLA5701 Law and Policy in International Business
This course gives global affairs students understanding of legal and policy issues affecting multinational business enterprises and their transactions and activities. It examines how public international law, international economic institutions such as the WTO and IMF, and national corporate, tax, and regulatory laws in home and host countries combine to create a multidimensional legal environment for international business. Within this legal environment we also examine sales law, intellectual property law, antitrust (competition) law, host-country and international law of foreign investment, labor law, environmental law, and human rights law. This course in sum, offers an introduction to international economic law and it surveys the legal environment of international business.
GLA5703 International Financial Institutions
The current global credit crisis has fostered a number of proposals for the creation of a new set of international financial institutions to augment those created at the end of World War II at Breton Woods. The premise for several of these proposals for a "new Breton Woods" is that the current institutions failed to prevent the current credit crisis and that new ones are needed to regulate a financial world quite different than that of the 1940s. This course examines the existing set of international financial institutions, the financial systems they were designed to govern, how well they accomplished these tasks, where they may have fallen short and their adequacy to face the challenges of the future. Starting with the oldest international financial institution, the Bank for International Settlements, established in 1930, this course examines principal Breton Woods international financial institutions, the World Bank and the IMF, as well as the regional development banks such as the Inter American Development Bank, African and Asian Development Banks, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
GLA5802 International Business and Finance
This course provides an introduction to international business and finance and the policy challenges of economic globalization and interdependence. It examines current issues of trade policy, exchange-rate regimes, international economic strategies of developed and developing countries, regional economic integration, multinational corporate management, exporting, importing, foreign direct investment, capital markets and international financial flow.
GLA5901 International Trade Law and Policy
This course introduces key concepts of international trade and international finance, with attention to contemporary issues and policy. It empirically assesses alternative trade theories, and examines international commercial policy, international finance and macroeconomics, as well as their relationship to broader global issues. The course is designed to utilize understanding of international trade and international finance to help students think through real world events and design policy responses.
GLA5903 Global Capital Markets and Global Strategies
This course examines the intersection of the global political economy and investment strategies as the current global economic realignment takes place. It analyzes new players, new structures, and new opportunities as the global economy restructures and examines how strategies are built. Students will analyze cases and prepare two memoranda and a group project. Students will also learn the practical skills required to develop investment strategies.
GLA5905 The Multinational Corporation: Economic, Political and Managerial Perspectives
There are over 60,000 multinational corporations (MNCs). They are the most significant force behind globalization. Whether as customers, suppliers, competitors, regulators, employees, shareholders, or citizens, we are directly affected by their output of products, services, and ideas. Moreover, through trading and investing, MNCs are dramatically compressing our notions of time and space. This course examines the economic dimensions of MNCs' behavior, their interaction with national and local governments and communities, the ways they organize to operate effectively across borders, MNCs and protectionism; environment and labor relations; control of strategic natural and technological resources; and trans-border mergers, acquisitions, and joint ventures.
GLA5101 Global Policy Analysis
This course analyses the global security architecture, grand strategy, and contemporary and emerging security challenges. Topics may include the evolution of contemporary national security doctrines, the implications of shifting loci of power for global security, the role and limits of multilateral security arrangements, the role of intelligence and intelligence failure, and threat assessments of emerging or ongoing security problems such as nuclear proliferation, terrorism, and insurgency.
GLA5103 Global Civil Society
This course examines both the conceptual and practical foundations of global civil society. A history of global civil society is studied by examining the evolution of non-governmental organizations and domestic and international social movements. The course offers a history of such non-governmental organizations and of their relations with the United Nations, governments and donors. It focuses on the achievements and limitations of civil society in humanitarian aid, human rights, development and democracy, the environment, and other areas. The class examines the methods NGOs choose, from global advocacy to grassroots service and collaboration with both the public and private sectors as they set out to change the world.
GLA5105 Transnational Security
The concerns of national and international security have evolved considerably since the days of the Cold War. While states are still concerned with traditional threats such as military aggression from other states, emerging issues present different, yet no less compelling, challenges to security. These new challenges include terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, failed states, environmental catastrophes and major public health crises such as HIV/AIDS. This course explores how security policy issues are addressed at the national and international level; how prepared are agencies and organizations to meet newer security challenges; whether classic doctrines of deterrence are still applicable; and the extent to which technology can be relied upon, as a tool to address current security needs.
GLA5107 Contemporary Issues in World Affairs
Can we protect endangered species? Who controls the oceans? How can we deal with terrorists and dictators? Is free trade working? International law addresses all of these issues. This course examines several current problems in international relations including environmental protection; proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; terrorism; tensions between developed and developing states; access to common resources; and the role of the developing International Criminal Court. Discussions explore the political and legal frameworks from which international problems have arisen and how to address them.
GLA5109 Middle East Politics and Society
The course offers a broad introduction to the people, society, history and politics of the Middle East region. It examines the regional politics of the Middle East and their interaction with problems of international security, global resources and power policies. The course then introduces the state theories and explore the emergence of Middle Eastern states, the creation of their particular national institutions, their political economies, the role of external actors and the interplay of factors such as religion, ethnicity, gender and class in the Middle Eastern state-making.
GLA5111 Decision Making and Strategic Thinking in the Global System
This seminar introduces students to the psychology of decision making and the analytics of strategic thinking. Drawing from the literature on public policy making, behavioral economics, and strategic analysis, the course develops the analytical tools and the practical leadership skills needed to navigate the intersection among the global economy, global institutions, and global civil society.
GLA5202 Comparative Politics
The course covers the principal theoretical and methodological issues in the study of comparative politics, usually by a very wide-ranging survey of the major kinds of political systems in the world. Students wishing to specialize in Comparative Politics are encouraged to develop strong research interests in particular political topics at an early stage in their training. This should normally be accompanied by a well-developed expertise in the politics of specific regional areas. At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to analyze political events around the world, drawing on the theoretical explanations provided in the class.
GLA5204 American Foreign Policy and Government
This course is an introduction to government through the American experience. It concentrates on analysis of the institutions of government and politics as mechanisms of social control in the US. As America is marked by multiple traditions and identities reflected in its foreign policies, which this course specifically addresses. As well, this course focuses on political campaigns, a central feature of American democracy. It examines how they work and the conditions under which they affect citizens’ decisions. It then looks at campaign strategies and attributes of candidates, as well as how and whether they affect key outcomes such as the decision to turn out, who to vote for, and whether to spend money and volunteer time helping favored candidates win.
GLA5206 EU Integration, EU & OECD Economies
The course provides a deep knowledge of theory and practice of integration in Europe; political, historical, economic, social and legal aspects of integration; institutions of the EU, policy processes in the EU; impact of the EU on government systems in member states; implementation and enforcement of EU legislation; enlargement. It also examines the missions and current efforts of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which aims to promote policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world. The economic, social and environmental changes, such as productivity, global flows of trade and investment of the member countries and the future trends, as well as the international standards on a wide range of things, from agriculture and tax to the safety of chemicals, are also examined.
GLA5208 World Energy Politics
Understanding of technical terms, physical principles, creation of resources and trade-offs will be emphasized as a basis for discussions about energy politics. The local and global dimensions of the economics and politics surrounding the world’s energy resources are the recurring concerns in this course. This course covers the basic physical, technical and economic issues related to energy use and broadly concentrate on the history of energy development and use. A genuine concern about what's happening to the planet, a sense of what morality requires regarding our legacy for the world of the future, interest in looking at sustainability issues from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, and the willingness to play an active role in the seminar. This interdisciplinary course examines global energy and environmental problems from a wide range of perspectives, with emphasis on understanding how the different disciplinary approaches are interrelated.
GLA5210 Latin American Politics
The course Latin American Politics provides a critical comparative analysis of contemporary politics in a representative range of countries. The course focuses on regime change, democratization and social movements in Latin America. It analyses how political power relates to social structure, economic change, and international pressures in Latin America. It presents case studies of three to five Latin American nations at distinct levels of social modernization. These comparative cases illustrate trends including the struggle for democracy, military interference in politics, and party competition. Covers political conditions in Caribbean nations.
GLA5212 Economies of Middle East
This course provides a general overview of the economies of Middle East with the geographic focus will be on the Eastern Arab world, Israel and Iran. Because of their historical and cultural ties with the region, Turkey and the countries of North Africa are also considered. The histories of the countries, their main political economy issues, economic realities of the region, such as economic growth and development, the economics of oil, water and food security, population growth and labor mobility, health, education, the role of the state, economic policy reform, and the prospects for global and regional integration will be examined. The course also deals with general topics that are important across the board such as globalization, labor and migration, Arab economic integration, Islamic economics and finance, and finally the performance of those countries in the last half of the century on an absolute and relative basis.
GLA5214 The Use of Force and International Law
This course introduces some of the key challenges the U.S. has faced in responding to the terrorist attacks of 9/11, and analyzes the U.S.'s response from a legal framework. It covers basic principles on the use of force, and then applies them to examining the legal foundations for the coalition interventions in Libya (2011), Iraq (2003) and Afghanistan (2001). It discusses some of the difficult issues as to the conduct of the "war" including the responsibilities of an occupying power, permissible targets, means of targeting, the scope of the "field of battle," and legal issues related to conducting counterinsurgency operations. It discusses the newly codified "crime of aggression," as well as the international terrorism conventions. Another focus is the use of "enhanced interrogation" techniques and "extraordinary renditions". Finally, it examines the domestic and international ramification of "GWOT" (global war on terror) and ultimately the effectiveness of the U.S.'s strategy, as well as what alternative options might have been pursued.
GLA5301 Russia in Transition and Energy Politics
This course is an examination of politics in the Russian Federation since the collapse of Soviet communism, focusing on the factors promoting and impeding the development of a stable democratic regime. Topics include the general dynamics of political and economic transformation, leadership, institution building, political culture, regionalism and federalism, electoral and party politics, state-society relations and interest groups, and Russian nationalism and neo-imperialism. This course examines Russia as an indispensible global actor, and a regional power with its economic, political and energy-related potentials.
GLA5303 Politics of China as Emerging Global Economic Giant
This course analyzes the new role of China in different forums of international cooperation. It concentrates on the political dilemmas of cooperation and economic rice of China in 21st century. The course creates an understanding of the emergence of China as and economic giant, its role in non-proliferation policy and in combating terrorism, as well as its relations to developing countries.
GLA5305 India: Software Leadership and Emerging Nuclear Power
India has quietly become a significant provider of development assistance to other less developed countries. In fact, current trends suggest that the country could become a net exporter of development assistance sometime in the next five years. This course concentrates on this transformation which is driven by India’s perception of itself as an emerging power, its competition with China for political influence and energy resources in developing countries, and the rapid growth of its domestic non-profit and private-consultancy sectors.
GLA5307 Environmental Economics
Environmental Economics concerns itself with the efficient and equitable use of society's environmental resources, which like all resources, are scarce. Therefore, the course aims to provide students a critical understanding of the major fundamental results of environmental economics and an overview to different ways in which economic decisions, market forces and government policies can affect the natural environment. It aims to understand how to design and also critically evaluate international policies towards the environment and natural resources. It covers environmental externalities and the theory of market failure, economics of pollution control, economics of natural resource use, economics of sustainable development, valuation of environmental resources, economics of international environmental problems and economics of climate change.
GLA5309 Public Opinion and Foreign Policy
In democracies, the making of strategic commitments to foreign policy choices requires strong popular backing. According to the central strand of democratic theory, policy preferences of citizens are supposed to form the foundation for government’s decision-making. This course introduces students to the theoretical debates about the nature, significance and measurement of public opinion with specific focus on foreign policy decision-making. It aims to provide them with the background knowledge and theoretical and practical skills needed to study and understand public opinion and post-Cold War era foreign policy connexion. Students learn the logic of inquiry on public opinion and foreign policy, including case-specific and variable-oriented analyses. The main geographical focus is on American and ‘European’ (at national and supranational level) public opinion. The main foreign policy issue areas to focus are military interventions, and post-Cold War era security concerns.
GLA5311 Media and Global Affairs
This course examines the interrelationships between mass media (print and broadcast journalism) and politics. Journalism has both a symbiotic and an adversarial relationship with the political world that it covers. By exploring the current and historic conflicts between journalists and politicians, students will be made aware of domestic and international U.S. policies and the relationships between Washington and foreign capitals, the United Nations, and regional conflicts. Course topics cover such themes as using and being used by news sources; journalistic ethics and ethical considerations in the setting of the news agenda; yellow journalism; implications of corporate ownership of media; how governments control and spin the news; the changing role of the foreign correspondent; changes in the U.S. at war; broadcast regulations, including the Fairness Doctrine and the questions of equal time and access; the implications of "negative" journalism; the growing role and impact of technological change on newsgathering; and journalism's impact on the elections.