ENI5593 Breakthrough Thinking, Creativity and Innovation
The global business environment necessitates the use of insightful, assertive, and distinctly new innovation and creativity processes and methods at all levels within the organization. This course challenges leadership to learn to solve problems and build innovations in more unique ways, to become more creative in their decision making processes as it pertains to outcomes with profound significance, and to become champions for continuous change within their organizations. This course examines the global phenomenon and builds in the learner new methods to achieve leadership in an age of change - breakthrough thinking, creativity, and innovation. The learner will become adept at true value innovation in a knowledge/ service economy.
ENI5562 Innovative Products and Services
The objective of the course is to train future marketing managers in the science of new product development, so that they can more effectively gather new ideas and turn them into profitable new products. References to “product” development issues below can also include service products. This course is designed to expose students to the process of new product and service development and marketing’s role in working with other functional areas such as R&D, finance, and manufacturing to develop products and services that customers want and need.
ENI5065 Entrepreneurial Strategy
With the entrepreneurial opportunity identified and the business model established to create value, the third phase of the entrepreneurial journey is to implement strategies. This is the focus of this out-of-the-classroom experience. Entrepreneurial organizations provide the partnership required for this course. Teams of four to five students and a faculty advisor engage with the entrepreneur for 12 weeks to solve real issues facing the organization. Students develop desired skills by "walking in the footsteps" of the entrepreneur. Final reports are presented at the conclusion of each engagement. Students benefit from dialogues with guest entrepreneurs who share stories of their journeys.
ENI5013 Starting Up an Innovative Business
This course exposes students to the unique challenges of managing the growth of small businesses. It concentrates on building the company issues rather than start-up issues, although some cases and lectures explore start-up as well. Included are studies of family businesses that have acute growth issues because of succession and family dynamics. It is designed for students interested in understanding the opportunities and problems involved in the management or operation of their own business; and it is also aimed at students considering employment in a small or midsized firm. The differences between small firms and large organizations, management needs, practices, and financial resources are examined.
ENI5552 Funding and Financial Management
This course aims to provide students with an understanding of the importance of financial management within an entrepreneurial business. It introduces concepts of cash management and financial and management accounts as they relate to entrepreneurs. It also explores sources of external finance and their implications for the management of an enterprise. Students will also acquire the skills to derive and present an Income Statement and a Balance Sheet within the Accounting Conventions and Standards, and prepare reports to internal business users highlighting revenue and cost issues, and to prepare reports for external users that provide the key performance factors of their business. On completion of this course students should be able to demonstrate the a working knowledge of financial accounting that will enable them to satisfactorily communicate with banks, external accountants and their internal audience of partners, investors and staff and secondly, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the legal frameworks in which financial accounting operates is also provided.
ENI5021 Innovative Approaches in Marketing
This course has the objective of providing a strategic decision-making perspective in entrepreneurial marketing. It is designed for students who are interested in examining the marketing strategies and methods used by start-up, early-stage companies, and small-business enterprises, comparing conventional marketing with entrepreneurial marketing. The focus of the course is tying together strategic issues such as segmentation, branding and resource allocation combined with specific marketing activities available to the entrepreneur. This course clarifies key marketing concepts, methods, and strategic issues relevant for start-up and early-stage entrepreneurs.
ENI5010 Innovation Strategy and Management
Specific topics dealt with include sources and models of innovation, standards battles and design dominance, timing of entry, innovation strategy: assessing and defining strategic directions, collaboration strategies and protection of innovation, organizing teams for innovation and, New Product Development (NPD) processes and teams. The course will introduce the students to tools and concepts that will help them to understand the role of advanced technology in framing corporate strategy as well as the role of technological development in society at large, assesssing managerial implication of different types of emerging technologies, identifying opportunities and possibilities for competitive advantage through innovation, understanding how to appropriate value from technologies and understand how to nurture innovative capacity in the firm and to build a creative organization, assessing the benefits of cooperative arrangements with other organizations.
ENI5019 Innovative Use of Social Media and e- Business
The aim of this course is to explore the concept and the strategic and organisational implications of E-Business, reflecting on changes in the business environment and developments in Internet related technologies. The content will be underpinned by the current research of the lecturers and informed by the latest research publications in relevant literature.
ENI5060 Managing Strategy and Growth
This course provides students with an overview of the dynamics involved in growing a new venture including the many aspects that must be considered to ensure the business operates smoothly and meets the needs of its customers while keeping a focus on strategy. Intellectual Capital and the Resource Based View are the two main frameworks utilised to examine the dynamic relationships. The course adds to the information gained in other courses such as, marketing and financial management and presents students with an opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to complete another aspect of a comprehensive business plan.
ENI5091 Business Law for Entrepreneurs
This course provides the would-be entrepreneur with a working knowledge of certain essential substantive areas of the law and the ability to work with and use lawyers effectively. The focus is on the practical legal considerations in forming and sustaining an entrepreneurial enterprise, including entity organization, not-for-profit securities laws, employment benefits, financing, taxation and intellectual property law.
ENI5513 Design in Product Development
The aim of this course is to develop an understanding of the role of design in the innovation process, to develop knowledge and understanding of the processes and mechanisms firms can use to manage the product development process and to develop a critical appreciation of the notion of good practice in design and product development and to be able to recognise the contextual constraints on the development process.
ENI5563 Multidisciplinar Perspectives in Innovation
Technological innovation and new product development (NPD) are critically important to the creation of business opportunities and sustenance of wealth. This course offers perspectives and frameworks that seek to understand technological innovation and NPD at different levels of analysis, including the firm, industry, and national levels. It addresses issues pertaining to the discovery, development, and diffusion of technological advances. Students are expected to analyze and evaluate technological opportunities using the frameworks and techniques presented in the course.