EU Enlargement
The enlargement process of the European Union on theoretical and practical perspective. The students will get acquainted with history and ideology of European unification process which still play an important role in political discussions. The analysis of the new Reform Treaty for Europe and the process of its ratification will be one of the central parts of the course. The current financial crisis in the EURO-zone and the situation of Turkey will be given special attention.
EUS 5161
EU-Turkey Relations
Historical overview of the Euro- Turkish relations; Current status of the negotiations' procedure; Debate in both large European countries and within Turkey.
EUS 5164
EU as a Global Actor
The European Union is an increasingly important global actor. It is one of the world’s leading trade powers, a leader in environmental issues and the largest provider of development assistance. EU’s overall foreign policy profile has become the subject of much debate among analysts and observers. This course will analyze the question of how far the EU acts as a global power in economic, political, social and security bases. In addition the legal measurements will also be taken account like the new developments by the Treaty of Lisbon.
European Public Law II
Common foreign and security policy, EU competition law, criminal aspects of EU legislation, EU labor law and social policy, EU environmental law, EU intellectual property law.
European Public Law I
Basic principles; constitutional provisions' basic policy and law-making areas; charter of HR; EU Institutions; judicial proceedings; types of EU laws; conflict of law.
European Integration II
Policy processes in the EU; impact of the EU on government systems in member states; implementation and enforcement of EU legislation, EU budget and economics, common agricultural policy, common consumer policy.
European Integration I
Theory and practice of integration in Europe; political, historical, economic, social and legal aspects of integration; institutions of the EU, the EFTA and the council of Europe; policy processes in the EU; impact of the EU on government systems in member states; implementation and enforcement of EU legislation; enlargement.
Intellectual Property Rights
Presenting the concept and subjects of intellectual property rights. The protection of copyrights, patents, trademarks and industrial design rights will be looked at. Their place and use will be elaborated based on the relevant cases. A focus will be given to the international agreements on this issue as an effort of harmonization. As a point of comparison the differences of the respective laws in the EU and Turkey will be given as well.
EU and Russia
Russia has a special relationship with the European Union in the form of a strategic partnership. This course examines the increasingly strained relationship between Russia and the EU where challenges on regional security and energy supplies aggravate the decision-making context. The EU is the main trade partner for Russia and the main source of imports for the Russian Federation. On the other side, Russia is the leading exporter of natural gas and oil for the EU.
Selected Topics in EU II
Examination of the provisions in the treaties; status and comparison of general interest utilities and telecommunications in the European level and in member states; historical development; historical development of the environmental law; institutional provisions; debate among states and the EU institutions over competencies; what it is anticipated in the treaties; definition of freedom or religion; EU national states' sensitivities and policies on the issue; provision on the treaties; relation to the civil rights and ideals of the EU.
Selected Topics in EU I
Definition and terminology; contemporary issues relating to immigration and asylum; provisions in treaties into force; anticipations in the Constitution; EU citizenship versus national ones; EU policy versus national objectives and objections; what it is anticipated in international and European treaties on fundamental rights; EU policies on the protection of fundamental rights; examination of study cases: current Institutional framework; EU policy versus member states' national policies; EU affairs with the USA, Russia, Japan, China; EU defense and NATO; EU defense and WEU; perspectives; EU defense and CFSP.
EU Competition Law
Demonstration of the fundamentals of EU competition law, as being one of the most important Community laws. An elaboration why there is a need of a regulation and a policy of competition will be given through the explanation of different economic market structures. The Articles 81 and 82 of the EU Treaty concerning the regulation of competition will be explored in depth and the wordings of the competition policy articles will be made clear through example case law.
Identity and Citizenship in EU
In this course firstly the concepts of identity and collective identity in the post Cold War era, Nation-building processes in Europe, different types of national citizenships, Construction of European identity, civic and cultural understandings, the compatibility of national identities and European identity within the EU, Turkey?s membership in terms of European identity, the development process of the EU citizenship.
EU and China
In this course the relations between Europe and China will be analyzed. We will focus on several topics including climate and energy, trade, investments and finance and geopolitical interests. It will be explored how Europe can tackle the emerging China and why the EU should be relevant for China. Special attenton willl be given to the Treaty of Lisbon in discussing the interests of the EU in China.
EU Institutions and Policy Making
The main aim of this course is to make a brief introduction to the institutions of the European Union and make the students familiar with their organization and functions. At the end of the course the students will have an overview of the functioning of the European Union policies, politics involved and relations between the institutions.
EU Grants and Project Management
This course is designed for students who plans to be involved in EU funded projects at some point in his or her career. The course aims to raise awareness on EU funded projects, apply a framework for developing projects and to improve strategic thinking skills. The course will examine the steps of project planning and implementation process together with some skill building exercises in this respect. Specific topics include: EU funding mechanisms, project management, logical framework approach, proposal writing and grant management. At the end of the course it is expected that the student will have the tools to tackle the complex system of European funding.
Single Market and Market Regulations
The course will introduce the workings of the EU single market. Firstly the theoretical and historical background of the single market will be given. The lecture will draw attention to the importance of free trade via the theory of comparative advantage. The lecture will then focus to the different stages of integration; from the Free Trade Area to the Single Market integration, all the different stages will be elaborated. Then the basic principles of the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital will be analyzed through the legal foundations and case law. This course will focus on the external trade relations as well as the internal workings of the EU, giving special reference to the relationship of the EU with the WTO.
Economic and Monetary Union
Economic and Monetary Union is one of the most dynamic policy areas in the EU, both in terms of new member states and in terms of the new developments. EMU is intended to be a main source of economic growth and stability within the EU. Partly as a consequence of the credit crunch and financial crisis, and the budgetary situation in for example Greece, a revived debate about the functioning of EMU and its future will be discussed. In addition the topics of this course will include the entry criteria to the eurozone, the Stability and Growth Pact, procedures and decision-making, the ECB and monetary policy, institutional design and primary legislation.
Justice and Home Affairs
This course aims at analyzing EU policies and initiatives in the field of Justice and Home Affairs and at understanding the processes at the basis of their development. The course will dicuss the different aspects of the Area of Freedom, Security, and Justice policy concepts, actors involved in this field, policy-making processes and cooperation mechanisms. Special focus will be given to the EU immigration and asylum law.
Lobbying in the EU
The goal of this course is to give a comprehensive understanding of interest representation in the EU and lobbying process in Brussels. Objectives, strategies and techniques of lobbying are analyzed. The activities and tactics required for an effective lobbying strategy in Brussels are discussed. Lobbying for civic and producer interests are differentiated: On the one hand, lobbying activities of environmental groups, regions, also lobbying for human rights, gender equality are discussed. On the other hand, business interest groups including trade associations, also professions and labour organizations? lobbying activities in Brussels are analyzed. The course focuses on practical aspects of lobbying in the EU. Throughout the course, lobbying in the EU are scrutinized through several successful and failed case studies.
Foreign and Security Policy
The course aims at defining the scope and limitations of CFSP and ESDP in the double context of continuing European integration. It will trace the historical developments from Western European Union and European Political Co-operation to the pillar structure of the European Union and to the draft European Constitution. Attention will be paid to operations in Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Afghanistan and Iraq as case studies and to European attempts at autonomous crisis management.
EU Common Policies
The fundamentals of the common policies of the European Union will be demonstrated. The aim of the course is to further develop students? abilities to analyse policy-making in the European Union taking into account theoretical and historical perspectives. Explanation of the policies is necessary in order to understand the tools of a deeper integration in terms of the economic, political and social perspectives. The relationships between the European Union and its citizens will be a focal point throughout the whole course.
EUS 5178
Public Opinion and the EU
Role of public opinion in democratic theory; methods and problems of polling and survey research; nature, formation, distribution, and learning of political attitudes; issues of democratic stability; group opinions, voting behavior, and elite behavior, and their impact on the policy-making process and public policy.
Seminar is followed by Research program students. In this course the students are expected to analytically comment the finalized cases European Court of Justice.
Master Thesis
The thesis of the Master by Research program includes the writing of a thesis of at least 40000 words (around 100 pages) in English. The thesis will be evaluated by a jury.
The research project is an individual piece of research. The student will specify the subject of the project according to her/his own interest. The project will be written under the guidance of an advisor.