CNG5001 Research Methods in Psychological Counseling: (3-0-3) (8 ECTS)
The purpose of the course is to provide an overview of methodological issues such as research problems, ethics and research, variables and hypotheses, literature review, sampling, data collection and instruments, validity and reliability, etc.
CNG5003 Advanced Statistics: (3-0-3) (8 ECTS)
The course includes descriptive statistics, basic probability, probability distributions, sampling and estimation, testing statistical hypotheses, regression and time series forecasting.
CNG5005 Advanced Psychological Counseling Skills and Techniques (3-0-3) (6 ECTS)
The course provides appropriate techniques and methods on different characteristics and behaviors that influence helping processes, essential interviewing, conceptualization and psychological counseling skills, theories, models and strategies for understanding consultation.
CNG5006 Psychological Consultation Application-I (3-0-3) (10 ECTS)
The course aims to compherend general characteristics/features of therapeutics approaches and be able to use them, provide appropriate conditions, build trust relationship in consultation process, etc.
CNG5007 Psychological Consultation Application-II (3-0-3) (10 ECTS)
The course aims to compherend general characteristics/features of therapeutics approaches and be able to use them, provide appropriate conditions, build trust relationship in consultation process, etc.
CNG5087 MA Seminar (0-0-0) Non-Credit (10 ECTS)
To create awareness and enlarge the view points of the candidates in the field of psychological counseling and guidance.
CNG5088-1 MA Thesis I (0-0-0) Non-Credit (20 ECTS)
Designing an original research proposal, and conducting it under the supervision of the advisor.
CNG5088-2 MA Thesis II (0-0-0) Non-Credit (20 ECTS)
Designing an original research, conducting it and completing the thesis under the supervision of the advisor.
CNG5002 Qualitative Research Methods (3-0-3) (8 ECTS)
This course is provided for MA students planning to conduct qualitative research in a variety of different settings. It aims to provide students data collection, description, analysis and interpretation in qualitative research.
CNG5004 Advanced Statistics Applications: (3-0-3) (8 ECTS)
The course includes evaluation of MA dissertations and other studies’ statistical methods and techniques, data-collection techniques, data evaluation, analysis and interpretation of collected datas.
CNG5008 Advanced Psychological Counseling with Group (2-2-3) (8 ECTS)
The course focuses on the theory and practice of psychological counseling with group, advance leading in group, gaining understanding on its skills and improvement strategies for psychological counseling with group. Ethical and legal issues will be also discussed.
CNG5009 Advanced Psychological Counseling Theories (3-0-3) (ECTS)
This course provides the student with advanced exploration and analysis of current counseling theories. The student will be expected to demonstrate the ability to analyze, synthesize, critique, and discuss, in verbal and written form, the key concepts of traditional and contemporary counseling theories.
CNG5010 Contemporary Approaches in Psychological Counseling: (3-0-3) (6 ECTS)
The course cover changing needs of individuals and society in psychological counseling and discussions on new techniques and terms. Students will compare contemporary approaches and applications in the class, and by the light of the discussion, they are expected to form their own counseling approaches.
CNG5011 Marriage ve Family Counseling: (3-0-3) (6 ECTS)
The course covers the decision, application, result processes of works intended for family and group. The differences and similarities of family and group works will be examined through psychological counseling principles.
CNG5012 Ethics and Legal Issues in Psychological Counseling: (3-0-3) (6 ECTS)
This course offers an in depth focus on the relevant knowledge, awareness and skills necessary to practice safely and responsibly in psychological counseling. It includes identifying and resolving processes of ethical dillemas and legal cases. Students will gain sensitivity and consciousness to cultural, ethnic, sex/gender, and people with disabilities in applying ethical standards in a positive and competent manner.
CNG5013 Developing Psychological Evaluation (3-0-3) (6 ECTS)
The course provides in-depth understanding on psychological evaluation and its own devices, testing, how to construct a test, evaluation of tests, and approaches and applications for it.
CNG5014 Career Counseling (3-0-3) (6 ECTS)
The courses focuses on career development theory and career counseling that may assist individuals and clients in finding a sense of meaning and economic empowerment through the world of work. Students will learn major career counseling theories to help individuals in finding their way in career decision.
CNG5015 Psychological Counseling with Child (3-0-3) (6 ECTS)
The course provides preparation to enter the helping professions with an in-depth understanding of thedevelopmental and psychological needs and problems of children. As part of the course, ethical and legal issues are provided regarding children rights and development.
CNG5016 Crisis Counseling (3-0-3) (6 ECTS)
The course provides in-depth study of the nature of crises and crisis counseling including crisis theory; multidisciplinary responses to crises, emergencies, or disasters; cognitive, affective, behavioral, and neurological effects associated with trauma; brief, intermediate and long-term approaches; assessment strategies for clients in crisis and principles of intervention for individuals with mental or emotional disorders during times of crisis, emergency, or disaster.
CNG5017 Skills for Psychological Counseling with Group (3-0-3) (6 ECTS)
The course provides the rudimentary knowledge for learning about group counseling and its needed skills, knowledge of group counseling such as the role of the therapeutics factors and the stages of typical group development.
CNG5018 Psychological Counseling in Higher Education (3-0-3) (6 ECTS)
The courses focuses on the problems and needs of university students in Turkey and the World, historical development and processes of psychological counseling and guidance services, and tasks/responsibilities of employees in charge in psychological counseling and guidance instutions.
CNG5019 Psychological Counseling in Special Education (3-0-3) (6 ECTS)
Bu derste, değişik ortamlarda eğitilen engelli öğrencileri gözlemleyebilme, farklı engel türlerinin özellikleri bilgisi, farklı özel eğitim kurumlarında çalışan psikolojik danışmanların temel sorumlulukları bilgisi, engelli öğrencilere ve ailelerine sunulan psikolojik danışma hizmetlerini sınıflayabilme, özel eğitimde psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik değerlendirme ve müdahale yöntemleri bilgisi aktarılmaktadır.
CNG 5020 Psychological Counseling with Families of Special Needs Kids (3-0-3) (6 ECTS)
The content of the course, students, to recognize students who need special education, special education experts have done studies on this subject, and experience with parents of students with disabilities come together in a variety of projects and the introduction of practical applications includes making. The course provides in-depth understanding and preparation for psychological counseling for families of children who need special education.