ECE5001 Scientific Research Methods- I
The basic concepts of science and the scientific research process, qualitative research methods, quantitative research methods, research and analysis and evaluation of the data obtained, evaluation of a research report, research, report preparation, is the course content.
ECE5002 Scientific Research Methods- II
The basic concepts of science and the scientific research process, qualitative research methods, quantitative research methods, research and analysis and evaluation of the data obtained, evaluation of a research report, research, report preparation, is the course content.
ECE5003 Contemporary Child Development Theories
Major developmental achievements in prenatal, infancy and early childhood periods (0-8 years); concentration on children's biological, physiological, cognitive, social, emotional and language development
ECE5004 Advanced Language Development in Early Childhood
Language development during early childhood: phonology, semantics, grammar, syntax and morphology, pragmatics. Expressive and receptive language. Language and social environment. Assessment of language development and learning.
ECE5005 Early Childhood Arts Education
Creative arts activities for young children. Teaching drawing and painting, music, dance, and drama to young children. Arts and children’s literature. Integration of arts into math, science, social sciences, language teaching. Creativity and development of creative thinking. Early childhood arts learning environments. Assessment of arts learning.
ECE5006 Special Education and Inclusion
Definition, importance, processes and services of special education and inclusion; importance of early diagnosis and treatment; the characteristics of children with mental, hearing, visual, physical disability, language and communication disorders, learning disability, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and autistic and gifted children and their education; reactions of parents who have children with special needs; special education programs and institutions in Turkey.
ECE5007 Guidance and Counseling in Early Childhood Education
Brief history of guidance and psychological counseling. Basic concepts and principles of guidance and psychological counseling. School guidance services. Development of guidance and psychological counseling in Turkey and present situation.
ECE5008 Assessment in Early Childhood Education
Assessment of child development and learning. Types and tools of early childhood assessment. Assessment contexts. Observation, documentation, and portfolios. Assessment partnerships with families and professionals.
ECE5009 School Readiness and Transition
School readiness, its importance, influential factors. Dimensions of school readiness. School readiness activities. Characteristics of elementary school. School readiness assessment.
ECE5010 Play and Play Materials in Early Childhood Education
Play concepts. Theories of play. Play development. Types of play. Developing yoys and play tools. Contribution of play to children’s development. Play and toys in Turkish culture. Play environments and contexts. Assessment of play.
ECE5011 Families and Society in Early Childhood Education
Interactions of school, family, society and culture. Social and family structures in Turkey. Family and public education programs, models, and projects. Family and community involvement in education. Effective communication skills.
ECE5012 Math and Science Education in Early Childhood
Development of math, science and technology concepts in young children. Development of problem solving, critical thinking, inquiry, observation skills. Teaching fundamental math, science and technology concepts to young children. Math, science and technology tools and materials for early childhood teaching. Design of early childhood math, science and technology learning environments. Assessment of math, science and technology learning.
ECE5013 Curriculum Development in Early Childhood Education
Early childhood development and learning theories. Scholars of early childhood education. Curriculum models and approaches in early childhood education. Design, development, and assessment of early childhood curriculum.
ECE5014 Social Sciences Education in Early Childhood
Development of social sciences concepts in young children. Personal and social development during early childhood. Teaching history, geography, civics, and economy to young children. Individual differences and cultural diversity.
ECE5015 Early Literacy in Early Childhood Education
The role of the educator in early literacy;emphasis on the inter-relatedness of language arts (reading, writing, listening, speaking) for young children; designing of learning environments and materials to foster creative development and critical thinking in communication.
ECE5016 Children’s Literature in Early Childhood
Introduction to literature for young children in Turkey and in the world; developing sensitivity to qualities in literature meaningful to children through reading, listening, and using and creating books and poems; developing criteria for evaluating children's literature. Examples from different literature.
ECE5017 Comparative Early Childhood Education
This course is about early childhood education programs in Turkey and around the world. Comparing different programs and models, applicability of these programs in Turkey are the topics of this course.
ECE5018 Early Intervention Approaches
Introduction to the concepts of developmental vulnerability; theoretical bases of early intervention anddifferent models of service delivery; discussion of research perspectives and policy issues in intervention.
ECE5020 Seminar
Presentation and discussion of the studies, developments, existing problems, and possible solutions in the field of early childhood education.
ECE5022-1 Master’s Thesis
Design and completion of an original research work on a major topic of student’s particular interest under the supervision of an advisor.
ECE5022-2 Master’s Thesis
Continued work on the design and completion of an original research work on a major topic of student’s particular interest under the supervision of an advisor.