EDT5002 Research Methods in Education
This class will primarily be a conceptual introduction to educational research methods. An overview of the quantitative approach to educational research will be offered. Topics will include types of quantitative research, various designs under these types, research validity (internal and external), stating research hypotheses, sampling, measurement, literature review, preparing a research plan, and writing up a research report. The discussion on qualitative research focuses on the comparison of quantitative and qualitative approaches as well as data collection and data analysis techniques in qualitative research.
EDE5011 Learning System Design
Distinction between learning objectives and teaching functions; developing well formulated objectives; action task descriptions; describing cognitive tasks; relationships between objectives and tasks; types of learning; fundamental principles of learning; behavioral, cognitive and constructivist learning theories; unique and common characteristics of instructional components; descriptive and prescriptive identification of the components of learning systems.
EDE5012 Design for Learning and Instructional Implementation
Assessment of educational needs; setting priorities; front-end analysis; describing the learners; competitive and/or passive admission; typology of learner outcomes; validation of objectives; criteria for measures of achievement; fundamental principles of learning to be applied; instructional materials and equipment; selecting instructional strategies; implementation and validation.
EDE5013 Styles in Curricular Design and Procedures in Evaluation
Three faces of humanistic style: classical, psychosocial, scientific; the disciplinary vs. interdisciplinary styles; the analytic style and its analysis; The futuristic style: the utility of knowledge and schooling; putting the curriculum to work; why changes in curriculum take place; uniqueness of curriculum evaluation; internal, external and accrediting procedures of curriculum evaluation.
EDE5014 Plan and Action for Educational Change
Social, economic and technological imperatives for educational change; the need for invention and innovation in education; prediction and prescription for future; leading the change process; curriculum enrichment and curriculum compacting by the practitioners; planning for strategic assessment; measuring what is most relevant; collecting evidence about the reality.
EDE5015 Recent Research in Educational Design
Review of recent research on educational designs developed for formal/non-formal educational practice in school/non-school settings; weekly reading assignments and their recitation in class.
EDE5051 Educational Design for Fostering High Ability
Intuition, analogy, aesthetics, imagination, and creativity in curricula; inquiry, inference and discovery; perception of paradoxes and development of hypotheses; trans-disciplinary focus on cognitive constructs; thought experiments; simulations of scientific discoveries; mind as computer; mental processes in creativity; individual differences in ability; research and development of giftedness and talent.
EDE5021 Educational Measurement
The objectives of testing and assessment; questioning the examination system; classical test theory, types of measurement, types of measurement instruments, characteristics of tests: reliability, validity, practicality and accessibility; presentation of scores, item analysis; the process of test construction; measuring the effectiveness of teaching; computerization in educational assessment.
EDE5022 Educational Evaluation
Types of evaluation: formative and summative evaluation: different approaches to educational evaluation: norm-referenced and criterion referenced evaluation; identification of the most appropriate evaluation approach, steps in evaluating educational/instructional programs.
EDE5023 Applied Educational Measurement
Planning the test construction; purposes to be served by the test; constraints on the test; content specifications; format specifications; types of reliability and their assessment methods; types of validity and their assessment methods; special emphasis on construct validity; practical restraints; item selection and item sequencing; item banking and item recycling.
EDE5024 Introduction to Item Response Theory (IRT)
Differences between classical test theory and item response theory, one-, two-, and three-parameter logistic models, applications of item response theory (test equating, differential item functioning, computerized adaptive testing).
EDE5025 Advancements in Educational Measurement
Latent trait models; Item Response Theory; models of Rasch measurement theory; Partial Credit Model; rating scale analysis; computerized testing; item banking; adaptive testing; test equating; individualized testing; charting of student progress.
EDE5026 Computer-Supported Testing (CST)
Inexorable and inevitable models of CST; opportunities and issues of technological innovations in testing; operational issues in CST; test design, item types and item sequencing for the digital era; optimizing quality in the use of web-based and computer based testing; computer-based testing for professional licensing and certification; simulations as assessment tools; accessibility for all.
EDE5027 Multivariate Research in Educational Evaluation
Measurements in school and in non-school settings; definitions, purposes, and dimensions of research; quantitative and qualitative paradigms; specific research designs for randomized experimental and quasi-experimental approaches; general design classifications; complex independent groups designs; mixed factorial designs; MANOVA; measurement, instruments, and procedures; types of data collection techniques; practical and ethical issues in the research process; anatomy of a research article; writing research reports and dissertations.
EDE5031 Testing for Convergent and Divergent Skills
Multi-dimensional human traits: Achievement, aptitude and attitudes; testing for cognitive achievement, intelligence, creativity, interest and affective outcomes.
EDE5081 Recent Practice in Educational Evaluation
National and/or international testing and evaluation practices all around the world; weekly reading assignments and their recitation in class.
EDE5082 Special Topics in Educational Design and Evaluation
Advanced study of special subjects in educational design and evaluation.
EDE5999 Project