AI Summit AI Summit AI Summit

Supply Chain Day 2017



“International Supply Chain Day 2017” was held this year in cooperation with BAU Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Logistics Management Department. The event was held on Thursday, April 27, 2017 with the title of "Purchasing and Logistics Processes in the Finance Sector". The event, which started in a conversational mood, was attended by BVL Chapter Istanbul Co-Chair Mr. It continued with Klaus' BVL preview presentation. Later, Mr. Altay ONUR explained the details of the BVL organization and informed the participants about the SCOR Model. Mentioning the importance of logistics processes and each stage in the Supply Chain, Altay also touched upon the details of the certified programs organized by BVL in this field. Finally, Mr. Arda POLAT explained the Purchasing and Logistics Processes in the Finance Sector to our participants with examples.

About BVL

BVL (BVL - German Logistics Confederation) is a neutral environment for logistics managers, with around 10,000 members holding leading positions in various industrial, advertising, service and research sectors. BVL aims to maintain and expand intercompany competitiveness in its own country and abroad, by providing constructive communication between different sectors and guiding initiatives for logistics concepts. For more information:

For more information about Supply Chain Day: https://


