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Important Announcement About 2022 - 2023 Spring Semester Final Exams of Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Dear Students,

 In the Senate decision dated April 3, 2023, and the announcement by BAU Rectorate dated May 28, 2023, details regarding the implementation of the 2022-2023 Spring Semester final exams are provided. Following a meeting conducted by the Head of the Departments within the BAU Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, it has been decided that the final exams will be held face-to-face.

The exams will take place within the dates specified in the academic calendar.

According to the Bahçeşehir University Associate and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations, there are no excuses for make-up exams. However, considering the effects of the earthquake disaster nationwide and in an attempt to alleviate the concerns of our dear students, it is decided that students who are unable to take the makeup exams and whose excuses are accepted by the relevant academic units will be given the opportunity to take an additional makeup exam. These additional make-up exams will be given between September 11th and September 17th, 2023.

The applications of earthquake-stricken students who have applied for dormitory accommodation for the final exams will be evaluated by the Student Dean's Office within the possibilities and suitable quotas of our university.

Graduation rankings are to be announced at the graduation ceremony on July 23rd. We remind students who have the possibility of achieving honors in their programs that they need to graduate before this date.

The final program for the 2022-2023 spring semester, which is included in our academic calendar, will be shared with you on

We wish you a successful exam period.