AI Summit AI Summit AI Summit

Contact Information of Coordinator of Internship

Dear Students,

For detailed information about must internships, you can get support from the Internship Coordinator of your department. Contact information is below.

Contact Information of Coordinator of Internship
Department Coordinator Phone E-Mail
Cartoon and Animation Dr. Murat ÇÖPCÜ 0212 381 5443 [email protected]
Digital Game Design Dr. Çakır AKER 0212 381 5475 [email protected]
Photography Dr. Jochen Jacob PROHL 0212 381 5467 [email protected]
Public Relations and Publicity Prof. Elif ENGİN 0212 381 5428 [email protected]
Communication Design Dr. Ece ARIHAN 0212 381 5476 [email protected]
Advertising Assoc. Prof. Eda ÖZTÜRK 0212 381 5427 [email protected]
Film and Television Dr. Funda KAYA 0212 381 5474 [email protected]
New Media Res. Assist. Yağmur ÇENBERLİ 0212 381 5429 [email protected]