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Online Instruction at the Prep School Module 1 (October 12 - December 7)

Dear Prep School Students,

At the time of planning the 2020-21 Academic Year English Preparatory School Fall Semester program, we sent you an online questionnaire and asked you to choose the education model you would prefer to follow (Hybrid or Online). On September 30, the opportunity to have a live meeting to inform you about the exam procedures in detail and answer all the questions you had made us so very happy. For us, while taking action, it is a must to consider your ideas, expectations, your enthusiasm, interest and happiness which will eventually indicate your academic success.

Please have no doubt that we will try to provide you with the best and the most efficient education possible. Unfortunately, the pandemic conditions affecting our country and the rest of the world continue to pose a serious threat. No matter how strict the taken measures are, considering you and your families’ wellbeing, we have decided to spend the 1st Module of the year (first 2 months) as fully online with the promise that we will be there to support you at all times. During this process, besides ONLINE courses, face-to-face tutorials can be planned at BAU Beşiktaş Campus or at Bahçeşehir Uğur Educational Institutions. As BAU Prep family, we believe that you will learn English through online education while experiencing, loving and enjoying English language. We will plan the 2nd module, which will start on December 7, together, by evaluating the latest pandemic developments closely. It is our sincere wish to get together with you as soon as possible.

The doors at BAU will always be open to you. Please remember that you may visit your campuses anytime you wish as long as you keep your social distance, wear your face mask and pay attention to your personal hygiene.

Keeping in mind that this situation is temporary, we wish you all a healthy, happy and successful module and hope to meet you at your classes on the Teams platform on October 12.