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SOS & Face to Face Tutorials

Dear Students, 

Our tutorials will restart as of Monday, Feb., 27th (TODAY). Joining the tutorials will enable you to revise and reinforce what you learn in your classes and to practise your English.

 Our tutorials are arranged as face-to-face (Learning Centre Tutorials) and online (SOS Tutorials) sessions. 

To learn what you should do to join Learning Centre face-to-face tutorials, please on the link.  How to make online appointments for LC F2F Tutorials

You can earn up to 5 EXTRA BONUS POINTS in return for the exercises you do by attending the online SOS Tutorials. Please click on the link to find out what you should do to join the online SOS Tutorials.  How to join online SOS Tutorials

When you join the SOS Tutorials Speaking Club and the SOS Tutorials Writing Workshops you can practise your speaking and improve your writing skills. Please click on the links to find out what you should do to join the online the SOS Tutorials Speaking Club How to make online appointments for SOS TUTORIALS SPEAKING CLUB  and the SOS Tutorials Writing Workshops How to join SOS TUTORIALS WRITING WORKSHOP


 Click for SOS & Face to Face Tutorials Schedule